

WTF is your problem, huh? I’ve been seeing your stuff pop up in my inbox on here. Tired of all the negative Nancy πŸ’©. Other people can see your stuff on here too, you know!

amckeever’s Profile PhotoAlex McKeever
They can also see all your stuff especially on the main website I'm surprised you haven't found it yet all of Tempe is going to know about you real soon I'm glad you think you're so funny I want everyone to see it f*** off

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Latest answers from iwantyoutowantme1

Why did you reject me? You know deep down I like you and I know you like me too but you still reject me, why?!

I would never reject you I'm laying here in bed thinking of you right now before I go to sleep

favorite music artist?

If a guy wears Daisy dukes does that really make him gay because they wore them in the '80s

Would you go scuba diving on a first date?

You have to have your scuba license first do you have one of those they're like over $300

How to deal with woman playing head games? She has rejected my advances 6 times in a month yet she continues to work at the coffee shop I get my coffee from. She took my order once but now ignores me. She drives me crazy. She rejects me but doesn't quit the coffee shop. What to do?

Don't work at the coffee shop she does maybe she doesn't even know you like her you're one weird guy you know that

when everyones asleep, we πŸŽ‰πŸŽ†πŸŽ‰βœ¨πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‘πŸŽ‰


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