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How to deal with woman playing head games? She has rejected my advances 6 times in a month yet she continues to work at the coffee shop I get my coffee from. She took my order once but now ignores me. She drives me crazy. She rejects me but doesn't quit the coffee shop. What to do?

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She's doing that because she likes her job and wants to make money. She doesn't like you. What would you do if a woman asked you out at your job, and you weren't attracted to her?
wtf would she quit her job all because of you, why not just find another coffee shop instead of constantly harassing someone who’s trying to work? It doesn’t sound like she’s playing mind games at all, instead it sounds like she’s not interested which is obvious after rejecting you 6 times already and now has to resort to ignoring you… You should be glad she hasn’t called the police on you. I would either leave her alone or find yourself another coffee shop!
…. That’s her job, stop being a weirdo. She doesn’t have to quit, you have to stop being a nutcase. It would be the same if the roles were reversed.

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