

Some females don't lie, don't cheat, don't text other dudes, don't chill with other guys, don't entertain ANYONE else. 100% loyal around u & behind ur back. Some females really are legit trophies. I salute y'all because it ain't a lot of y'all left out here. Big Shout to all the women who can relate

That's me I am 100% loyal I feel like you're trying to play a head game like you're talking about my ex you and I hadn't even talked about being together if I knew we had been together I would have never had him over we weren't together

What others replied to:

Some females don't lie, don't cheat, don't text other dudes, don't chill with other guys, don't entertain ANYONE else. 100% loyal around u & behind ur back. Some females really are legit trophies. I salute y'all because it ain't a lot of y'all left out here. Big Shout to all the women who can relate

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Don't text or chill with other dudes? So she can't text or chill with her brother or dad? She doesn't have any friends so she has to only entertain her boyfriend? You didn't specify that one genius. Loyalty isn't based on the stuff you said, loyalty is based on trust if you can't trust your spouse and always paranoid you shouldn't date anyone and stop being controlling that goes for both genders
I used to give this person my love too recently, apparently he loves someone else too so idk how people really can love someone these days 🙄
None are like that, I was dating a woman last year who was supposed to be that way, never went out, virgin, homebody and I caught her sleeping with her co worker. Turns out she is a total slut
I sure can. I do everything possible for someone and never cheat . Give him whatever he wants and then some never tell him no. I don't talk or even think about anyone else but yet hes every f app

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