

Ask @NathanBFrost

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On a scale from 1 to 10 how good do I ask questions?

brown_fox359’s Profile PhotoBrown_fox35
You probably bring the most volume of different and interesting good questions, so I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be a 10
Liked by: Brown_fox35

Are you alright? That last shout out sounded like someone might have upset you.

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Oh no, I'm good. Thanks for your concern. I actually really do appreciate it and am not too used to someone caring. That really is a class act, thank you. it was an ex that I just happen to run Into under a very weird and awkward surcumstance for her anyway and just how everything went down it just had me upset for a minute, but I'm good now 😁 thank you again

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How do you cheer up a friend who’s down?

Remind them of all the great things they have in their life. Sometimes depression can blind you to those things, and all you need is someone to help you see them again 😊
Liked by: Mr mayor sixflaken

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What is the best memory you have of a vacation trip? What made it special?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
It was a trip up to arrowhead. It was the whole family, just some really good memories

Would you rather own a boat or an RV?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Both are money pits between maintainance and storage if you're going to have a slip or dry dock it or if you're going to live in the rv or just use it seasonally. Neither are worth it if you're only going to use it once a year

I want to learn many things from you and all your knowledge. My daddy Nathan.

Lol ok this is starting to push the creepy level lol like Tina, the talking doll creepy level 😆

No let's go find my man that was with Pam that fake fight chimney cove white Toyota works for pd u r different from rest u won't be the same if that u remember talking to me u worked at store too

White Toyota? Wow there's only about 4732826362294u4 of those on the street. Good luck 😆

Who was the last person you encouraged? Did they respond well?

Don't remember, but I'm sure I changed their life

Anyone else notice that the one that claims to want peace is usually the one that disrupts it?

Nope, I haven't noticed. All I see is that the people who want peace are usually the peacekeepers
Liked by: Marie the Clumsy

How to force yourself to stop having nightmares?

Dinitrate’s Profile PhotoNobody
That's the hardest part. Mine are about a chick, but it's pretty much the same thing

How will a man act when he’s interested in a girl but he thinks the girl isn’t interested in him

Can you really be interested in anyone who's not interested in you?

is it normal for girlfriend to let the dog go in the restroom with her? she does not lock the door however I am so uncomfortable with the lack of boundaries with this dog (I saw him sticking his nose in her privates as she got up and she thought it was funny)and this is just one example of many

Hahahaha omg...

If someone is embarrassed about being seen with you in public, does that usually indicate incompatibility or does it indicate that they’re worried too much about their social status and how others view them? Have you ever came across someone who didn’t want to be seen with you?

It means that they are complete weirdos lol

Are you drawn to positive or negative energy?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I think both kinda have their own charm. It's hard to say because it really depends on what I need more of in my life at any given point if I need someone to ground me or if I need someone to lift me up. It's pretty fluid, actually
Liked by: Marie the Clumsy


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