

Tbh: Harshitha XD you are such amazing fun, and such a cool person ! Being with you is fun and damn you're beautiful! And I've heard you're really smart and all so yeah XP teach me chem x: !please :P

Treeyah’s Profile PhotoTriya Mulchandani
triyaaa :) sorry for posting it late :P but wait what? chem? haha. yea sure. im not sure if i can spell it right
thaaaank you :* you are beautiful too :)
Liked by: Triya Mulchandani
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Treeyah’s Profile Photo

Latest answers from nameless

First impression: nice hooman being. Only appointee who wasn't a complete bitch. Meh. How wrong I was. :3

lumosmylife’s Profile PhotoDivya Lakshmi
woah. you called them all bitches :3
thanks butterscotch :')

Sorry but that was the only thing that came to my mind :3 I don't like say a fake Impression about people :3 and yeah I'll tell her.

hey, its no problem :) i was just kidding xD
thank you :3

Like= 1st Impression : Looks like an A grade nerd, with appreciable speaking skills :'3

VedasriKhavala’s Profile PhotoZipzup
Awwwww. :*
Thank you do much :D
All the best for boards :')

First impression- "I should never hav a debate with her".. U r an awesum debater! XD

Sharmisathya’s Profile PhotoSharmi
Hahaaa. Oh my god. That genuinely made me smile, thanks ^_^

Girl say your hallelujah.

Girl hit* your hallelujah,
Cause uptown funk gon' give it to ya.
Saturday night and we in the sight,
Dont believe me just watch.
Come on :D

Language: English