

Ask @izzmeyo19

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So i was wondering..
How do you live around people? Who belong to the crowd that watch others get hurt. Physically or emotionally. What if you were the one. Innocent but hurt. They would still do the same right? Probably some would secretly laugh out loud. Others sympathize. Like that is even necessary.
How do you live around people? Who are stereotypical? Who make up rules w/o a reason. Who define the role of women and men in the society. Who criticize you for being different as well as depreciate you for not being one? Who have an opinion about everything? Who instruct you in every single stage of life? Who dont let you live independently. Who dont let you take decisions. Choose.
How do you live around people who dont recognize and appreciate talents. Who demotivate ypu. Discourage you. JUDGE YOU W/O KNOWING BULL CRAP ABOUT YOU.
How do you live around people who call you their best friends but are never there for you. Call themselves your family but underestimate your ability and aptitude. Call themselves your lover but take advantage of the trust you have on them.
How do you live around people who dont trust you? Degrade you? Make fun of you? Who define beauty. Character.
How do you live around people who are being humans?
Fortunately/ unfortunately all that i can do is wonder.

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Liked by: Newt

best juniors and seniors?

Juniors : svathi, meghna, madhurika, stuti, paridhi.
Seniors: shreya, preethi, 2 ramyas, SOUKANTHIIIII.
Thats all i think.
P.s: sorry if your names isnt ther :P
Liked by: Newt Shivani Gupta

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I'll tell you whether I'm a guy or a girl rest u hv to find out ok?

How am i to find out if you are telling the truth?
Seri. Go ahead.

Let the suspense kill you MWAHAHAHAHA

K just temme if you were the same person sending those pickuplines. ;)

Do you talk to yourself?

Just when i am alone anywhere.
Or when im travelling.
Or wen i am staring at myself in the mirror.
Or in the middle of the chemistry class.
Or during the night when i cant sleep.
Or while walking on the road.
Or while talking to someone else.
Or while eating.
Or when im bored.
Liked by: Sanjana Ramesh


Language: English