How has Amamiya Sora's voice-acting improved since Isshuukan Friends? [I know you are not a fan of her voice-acting, but there should be at least a positive development after acting in a lot of roles, no?]

You misunderstand, it's her shows and her roles that I don't like.

Latest answers from j1m1

Are you like... the yuyucow of seiyuu knowledge?

Eh, I wouldn't say so. For starters, I don't even consider myself a seiyuu fan nowadays. Plus, my scope of knowledge is extremely limited; I know next to nothing about seiyuu who debuted after 2010 for example.
I'm sure there're people out there who know stuff in more detail than I do. I just happen to be older & have had a longer history of being interested in seiyuu w

Who is the most artistically ambitious seiyuu singer?

I'm not sure what being 'artistically ambitious' entails...perhaps, someone who is involved in actually writing their own music? Takahashi Naozumi springs to mind immediately. Taniyama Kishow maybe. Sakamoto Maaya?

Why r u so effortlessly cool?

.................I'm pretty much the uncoolest person I've ever known. Anyone who knows me IRL will attest to that.

Omigawa Chiaki vs Amamiya Sora, in terms of voice-acting (from the person who asked you about Aragaki Yui vs Tomatsu Haruka for singing, back in formspring)

amamiya ofc.

Which stock should one invest in before U.S. November election? ~

i can't tell you tbh. pls crystal ball & tell me who wins the elections?

Final thought on Bleach?

i hadn't read it for something like 10 years so that final chapter was like 'Yo Kubo imma let u finish but Naruto had a hella better ending than u did dawg' to me...?

ermm...just want to let you know there is a fujoshi(-ish) twitter user who often paraphrases your opinion on seiyuuplus as her own tweets while completely misses the points you try to make ^^;

lol who is this even? sounds amusing enough...

Do you somewhat agree with the following: (1) Ishigami Shizuka looks like a fusion between Toyama Nao and Ito Kanae (2) Amamiya Sora looks like a fusion between Tomatsu Haruka and Yingluck Shinawatra?

1) what are you smoking bro 2) tomatsu yes, re: yingluck, see answer to 1)

ne ne j1m1-chan, when you were a kodomo, what was your YUME?

that i would not jisatsu before i became an otona

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