

Ask @jademayers

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Arent you on anything other than twitter and skype? And if i tell you who i am you wont know me anyways

No that's pretty much it, I'm not gonna give you my whatsapp if i don't know who you are

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exactly!! suh how the fuck we must know is which one? bbc

If they like you then they're not gonna want to start the conversation because they don't want you to think they're annoying. You'll know this because whenever you talk, she's shy-ish but tries to keep the conversation going and she'll start the conversation SOMETIMES.
If they like you but they're just playing hard to get, you'll know because whenever you talk to flirts a lot and makes you put in the effort without you even realizing.
If she just doesn't like you, she might be straight up and say " yo nigga. i do not like you" or if you guys talk she will be really dull, give short reponses, etc.
ok i lied it's not simple but now you know.
Liked by: Kelsey

why dont girls start the convo?

because we don't want to seem annoying or we're trying to play hard to get or we just simply don't want to talk to you
Liked by: Kelsey

I was saying girls love to ignore you and then when you ask why or ask what you did, theyre like, yah move emotional, and im like wtf

ok then i'm sorry the girls you talk to are assholes

Why cant she just say that to my face, i know for a fact girls hate being ignored so why you do it to guys?

Because tbh, girls are stupid. They generally will not give a fuck about your feelings if you annoy them or they just don't like you. Especially now, we can't control our emotions and shit, and if we have a problem, we think ignoring it will go away. So if it really bothers you then you need to be straight up and put her in her place be like "yo bitch if you have a problem tell me. do not be immature and ignore me like a pussy" except don't say it like that cause the you'll get cuss. but say it in a way that you guys can discuss the issue.
Liked by: alana kerr. VER$ACHA

Why when everything is going good with a girl, all of a sudden they start ignoring?

Maybe you got too clingy.
Or she found someone else.
if she's ignoring you though don't talk to her lol cause then she's gonna go around telling your friends that you're annoying.


Language: English