

Ask @janathebelieber

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what excersie do you do? I wanna do what you do cause your that skinny and I love you figure!

50-100 star jumps
40-50 sit ups (through out the day)
10 lunges on each legs (sometimes)
trampoline for abit (sometimes)
Like 50-100 bicep things
and these jumpy things :)

what do you often do?

think about what I'd look like if I just fully stopped eating
think about what could of been if I didn't fuck it up
think about having a cute relationship with someone
n yh imagine my life with Justin Bieber kk x
Liked by: Emma Faulkner elisha

do you think Isabelle looks like cara

her eyebrows and the style of her hair and some poses she does in photos,but that's it aha

people in your year you dont talk to but wish you did or was closer to?

nobody,hate everyone :3 ;) :D XD :B


cos they're not nines
gnna be tight I'm a virgin xx

what made you suddenly turn self concious? Not saying this in a offensive way by the way! Just that last year you used to wear shorts and post pictures on facebook like just wearing tops and no bottoms so you can't have always been? just wondering why you suddenly hate your figure? you shoudlnt!

it was half way through last summer all this happened,when I started dieting and all that. I know I regret it big time but it's just I hate everything about me and I feel fat all the time i don't know

can you give me the link to your instagram please? it won't let me search stuff on mine at the moment:-)!

sorry idk how on mi ipod x

it doesn't matter what people say your legs are as thin as anything and people are jealous x


they looked pretty tight yesterday the ones you wore..

well fuck off and don't look cause there as loose as they get

if your self concious about your weight why wear school trousers that are so skinny and tight to your legs cos surley if you cared about them that much you'd wear something which shows of the size of them less..

what the fuck are you talking about,I haven't wore them tight ones for like 3 months???


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