

Ask @janathebelieber

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Hate seeing people trying to bring you down, they're just all stupid jealous little girls. I just like seeing you happy cos your so funny when you're in a good mood and btw it's that boy again and I don't go to your school ;) <3

Aw thanks:) and hm idk who this is:(:(:( POP UP PLS xx

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Views on elisha,tia and olivia?

Elisha+tia- funny,pretty,lovely and just nice people all around!
Olivia- don't really know her but she's pretty and seems lovelyy

Was it actually you asking people opinions on yourself?

In all honesty........
C'mon I'm not that fucking sad n I fell asleep anyway HAHA lol

You don't deserve with this hate jana,people need to think before they say stuff x

Its all drama n idc bout it tbh but thanks anon xx

Fucking hell attention seeking or what

Do you fucking know me? Do you know my fucking story? No???? So fuck off twat

iv just seen what that person said omfg they are vile! i have been told to die by shitty anons on here, ignore them because i know loads of people that like you ffs gets me mad because you dont deserve any hate at all x

Emma Faulkner
Ikik they're horrible ffs,and aw thankyou emma it means soooooo much x
Liked by: Emma Faulkner

Omfg, i dont even know you right but not long ago i got shit loads of abuse on ask.fm, just like you are. Did something and stupid and now regret it to fuck! What ive learnt from it is not not even give them the time of day, theyre worthless and are far from perfect! Your beautiful jana x

Alicia lister x
Aw thankyou so much x

What do you think of all this crap about you and lauren and about people talking about it?

1-I think people should keep their noses out
2- I think its fkin stupid cos I didn't say anything bad about her and I didn't insult her in any way
3- n idc tbh

you make out like lauren is really nasty and shes not and shes probably not even done anything to you,your proper just jealous because shee beaut and your fucking vile hehe x x

*you're* n anno r8 jealous xxxx

Why do you not like Lauren?

(Before I blocked her on fb) she always used to try and fkin argue with me and bring up shit but whatevs

Bet your going to get stick for saying you don't like lauren hahaha

Let da h8rs h8 coz they r lyk way 2 l8


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