
Jensen Ackles ✔

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Latest answers from Jensen Ackles ✔

Professional or personal highlight in your life so far this year alone has been what?

Spreading peanut butter on a slice of bread for my kids for breakfast. It's weird, I know. I just find it oddly gratifying and fun.

You ever had 27 men with machine guns and a tank come after you for the love of your life I have

No, and if that ever happened, I'd go all Dean Winchester on their asses.

What’s your initial reaction to when you catch one of your kids swearing?

Funny you asked because the last fan at the convention had asked me that last night, and I said (jokingly) that one of my daughters said the F word (this was after Misha had hilariously told the story of how his oldest son when he was younger had gotten a reaction from adults saying swear words, i.e., the F word, and then told another short story about how his daughter caught her imaginary friend saying the F word and then "choked" her) and I had "choked" her (joking here, relax) and she was never heard from again.
I was telling the fans a story of how sometimes my son Zeppelin will make a rhyming tune when he's just doing his business (like playing Legos or whatever) and sometimes I'll hear him say words like shit or something, but I won't react to it out loud because he doesn't know what he's saying. The kids have been very good at that type of thing, although my youngest daughter is who I'm the most worried about because she knows that I know that someday she's gonna come right out and say a swear word, and I'm gonna react to it. JJ's going into 6th grade and she knows all the words already and she NEVER slips.
I also told the fans that I let JJ use my phone to DJ in the car on the way to school (hell, I hardly know how to work a goddamn iPhone... the kid is freaking 11 years old), and she knows not to put music that has the explicit versions in them, although I did catch one time (luckily it was just her and I in the car, the twins were at home with Dee) a song with some of the swear words in them and I sort of reacted like "Whoa, whoa, what's this" and she's like "Sorry, Dad, I know it has bad words in them, let me fix it" and she'll fix it. Then, out of curiosity, asked her if she says any of these words and she says "no", then I asked her if her FRIENDS say these words and she thought about it for a few seconds before asking me "which ones" 😂. I've told JJ that those words are adult words and when she's an adult, she can say them but when she's a kids she's not allowed to say them, regardless of whether her friends say it or not.

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