
Jensen Ackles ✔

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Have you seen the things that Masha said? First, she called Tiffany a ‘virus’, then she started blabbing to me how stupid Tiffany is (even though Tiffany can’t help her conditions and disabilities) and then, Masha called Tiffany ‘the devil’. Masha has insulted an entire population of disabled kids.

drc91111’s Profile PhotoDr. Jean Castelli
No I haven't, but as I've said before, this is between you and Masha. Don't drag me into this drama.

Look, I don’t want to intrude or anything but I was defending Tiffany because Marsha Anne kept on harassing and bullying her because Tiffany is disabled. How would you feel if someone started bullying you because you were disabled or mentally impaired? I was just trying to do the right thing.

drc91111’s Profile PhotoDr. Jean Castelli
First of all, her name is Masha (hope that doesn't offend you). Second of all, I've been bullied plenty of times. I'm not gonna argue with you. You can deal with that between Masha and yourself. I have way worse things to deal about.
And before I go, I'm not sure who to believe. Masha had sent me screenshots of this stuff you said. I'm not sure if you or Masha is telling the truth. I'm still trying to figure that out.

Jensen, I don’t know how to describe you, really. You’re one compassionate and conservative individual. You’ve got spark and shine in you. I can see why everyone loves you (and myself of course). Your kids are adorable. Glad you met a guy like me 😁😁 keep the fire going

OfficialSomerhalderIan’s Profile PhotoIan Somerhalder
Hey!! Thanks, Ian! I’m so surprised!! I can say the same thing about you too. Keep the fire 🔥 going too!


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