

Ask @jeshceeeo

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You can control the thoughts and feelings of a single person but You will randomly lose control of your body for one hour everyday that you control that person. Yay or nay?

No thanks. Even without the catch.

You become a vampire with immortality and super strength but you sparkle in daylight. Yay or nay?

Yay. I'd finally have a valid reason to kill people.

What is the last book you read, and what is it about?

From The Memoirs of a Non-Enemy Combatant.
It's about a Filipino fashion designer in NYC who gets mistaken as a terrorist and ends up in prison.

If you could travel back in time, would you? Why?

I wouldn't. It feels like a waste of time. The past is just that, the past. I'd rather just move on with life.


Language: English