
Jessica Coit

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You say you hate hypocritical people, and that others shouldn't judge a person when they don't know them. Well, why do you? I see posts you have made on other sites calling people ugly bitches, or pathetic. You should take your own advice. You say words hurt, well, think about what your words do too

Haha what?

I don't know her she's just probably a piece of shit compared to you

Well how can you judge someone without knowing them? And I'm not all that you think I am.

Well Gianna isn't anything compared to you and she's probably a selfish piece of shit. I think you're an amazing person and you should be with someone just as amazing...like me (: and I wouldn't ever let you forget it.

How do you know her?

It mAtters to me cuz if you guys aren't I would like to get to now ya more cuz I really like you :)

I am not with him but it doesn't mean I'm looking for a relationship. I need to focus on myself before I even think about someone else.

We'll good mornin beautiful hope you had a good nights sleep and hope you have an amazing day love ya

Thank you kind stranger!

Im confused are you and Tyler still a thing? Cause he's talking to Gianna and you and her are friends? Could you explain? We are all wondering

And it matters to people why?:)

I hope you stay away from Tyler. It's not just the girls that go after him he puts himself out there for them too. You are way to beautiful and kind to be consumed by a loser. Enjoy your life because life is short

Thank you for your concern but you don't know him and you don't know what he has been through. He is my best friend and he has truly changed me for the better by making me a better person. Is he perfect? No. Has he made a lot of mistakes? Yes. But is he human? Of course. We aren't together but he will always have a special place in my life and he is an amazing person. I can't expect anyone to understand because they don't really know who the real Tyler is. I have seen him at his best and I took the plummet down with him all the way to his lowest point and he never had ceased to amaze me. I love that kid more than anyone will understand and I am honored to call him my best friend.


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