

What video games were your favorites while growing up? What were your preferred consoles? (OR PC, that counts too, lol) Also, is copying and pasting questions considered cheating?

Ian Burgmyer
rofl son u lazy. not cheating, just lazy.
I played the absolute hell out of sonic 1-3 and knuckles. I didn't actually get a PC until 2001. go go poor kids. I was using the genesis until 200....3? I can't recall. But even when I did get the PC I don't recall really ever playing any games on it. I used it for chat and bad photo manipulation.
I bought my first PS2 with my own money when I was 16 - working at the one convenience store in Cotton Center, with my mom, rofl. And I got it from a pawn shop, lol. So it had some issues. I also didn't have a memory card. And the first game I played on it was Final Fantasy X. So that was fun. Any time I died was pretty much completely game over. I got pretty far on one save though one time.
But yeah going back to that I suppose that the 16-bit sonic games were pretty much the majority of my childhood/early teens. I played a lot of genesis games but those were my standard fare.
Once I got into DDR I played that a lot at home as well. lol soft pads. Mainly DDR Max, and Max 2 when it came out, both again bought with my own monies. One of my friends had Konamix and a PS1 so we'd go over to her place to play that one.
After a while my PS2 would only play PS1 games. Then I played FFIV.
Nowadays I really don't have a preference. I play games on both, though I'm usually a console behind current gen. I just bought a PS3 last winter. Recently though I play mostly on PC.
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If you were HANDSOME MAN, what male character would you like to cosplay to make everyone swoon?

Big Captain
allelujah or lockon from gundam 00. yeah, me thinks this

You answered like a year and a half ago, but... What if one of those two couples was willing to listen again?

pretty sure one of the two has long since fucked off from my existence into oblivion.
I'm unsure. i am not close to either of them distance wise anymore. i somewhat treated my move to Austin as a new beginning. so even if they did want to listen to me qq about my idiocy, it probably would be a waste of time as it is. unless for some reason they'd want to like, play online games lol idk. though as it still stands, five and three years later respectively, i still don't feel i deserve any forgiveness. everything i think I've said I've said multiple times already lol and while i miss the old times dearly you just can't go back to normal after what shit transpired, i think. now, i think i'd just wish them the best in their futures. I'm a lost cause lmao
i really do wish them the best though.
personal relationships in any capacity really aren't my forte, are they? lol

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FMK Arin, Danny, Ross

Mine's the same as Dan's - Ross, Danny, Arin.
it would be an open marriage for both of our sakes. lol

What are the sexiest and least sexiest euphemisms for both male and female genetalia

Big Captain
I don't have a "sexiest" really, lol. generic terms used are fine. when I do my writing that doesn't exist I don't use adjectivey filled words for naughty bits. least sexy is inviting love tunnel/beef curtains, and anything referring to dick as a sort of wiener/sausage. lol

any non-rhythm games you'd like to play that you don't already own? AAA, indie, doesn't matter

non rhythm games are trash. actually I want to play gundam musou... it's not 3, I don't think. the new one that is download only. on ps3.

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Big Captain
off the top of my head, Bright Noah from all of the universal century timeline of gundam.

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