
[ The Lycan King ^...*...^ ]

Ask @jordymc

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Where do you get the strength/motive to get out of your bed everyday and go do whatever it is you're obliged to? Like what thoughts go through your mind during that process of leaving bed? - Good Morning by the way!

I have no motivation or thoughts that get me out of bed haha...life gets me out of bed and by that I mean I know I can't stay in bed forever.. unfortunately :(, so I just get out of bed... who wants to get out of bed anyways :D I think the main problem is I'm self employed I work at home so I don't really need to get up for work and when it's a day where I'm meeting my friends or I have to be somewhere all my mind is set on is being there on time and seeing them people so that's my only motivation :)... Geez I sound really lazy but honestly I'm not as bad as I sound haha

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How do you feel about the fact on most websites you are able to change your username after making the account but here on ask its not possible? Does this bother you in anyway? Are you happy with yours? Do you think its good or not so good that we can't?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I think it's great for websites to include it...I don't get why you cant do it on here.. I'd love to be able to change it on here...before I came on here i didn't know wtf this was and I just presumed I could change it because most websites let you do it
Liked by: zar

Are you likely to do favors for people if you're able to? or does it depend on who and if you like them? or is it just no cos you lazy?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I think 90% of the time ial do sumat for someone no matter who they are the other 10% will be a no because I'm lazy haha
Liked by: zar

What are some things you say most to insult people? like most used insults?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I don't insult people :) if I do it's by accident :D
Liked by: zar

Has your laptop ever got so hot that you decided to fry an egg on it? :/

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I havnt fried an egg on it but I have cooked bacon on it haha
Liked by: zar

What if the bumps around our nips are really braille and we all have different messages? :/

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
hmmm that's actually a good idea...when I find a blind man or woman ial ask them to touch my nips :) haha then ial let you know if you were right haha
Liked by: zar

Do you find dark humor cruel or amusing?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
well it depends....if it's a comedian saying it ial laugh because comedians just say that shit to get a laugh but if it's a friends and depending how dark it is I might snigger and then say "that was abit out of order" or "wrong"
Liked by: zar

If a basket randomly appeared on your door step, what would you hope it to be filled with?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
well my first thought would either be it's a bomb or its got a load of bread in it haha....but what I'd love to be in it is a load of chicken sandwiches and rockstars :)
Liked by: zar

How would you honestly react if you woke up with a spider on your face?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
hit it off my face and be like "wtf" and then pick it up haha
Liked by: zar

Have you ever complained about something? If so what and why? ( This could be by telephone, letter email or even in person and about anything from food to a service that was provided )

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
sorry Iv took so long to answer all your questions... I don't think I have complained about anything... if I have complained it'd mostly involve food or games :)
Liked by: zar

Tell me some of the things you love.

sorry Iv took so long to answer this... Erm I love: chicken bacon rockstars gaming music animals I think that's about it :)

Ahhaha & Guns for hands and ode to sleep🎀

sweet!..ode to sleep is so weird and mixed up :D its an orite song though :) i quite like the video to 'guns for hands' i know im probably gunna sound weird for saying this but i like the bit where they put tape around there heads and Josh plays the drums :D playing the drums blind is probably a really hard thing to do :D

They're fricken awesome💁🏽 My friend from Norway showed me them and I got hooked💁🏽 What's your fave song💁🏽

awesome! :D yh i got hooked like a blonde fish :D ,hmm thats difficult as all their songs are amazing but.... it'll have to be 'stressed out'.....i also love 'car radio', 'holding onto you' and 'guns for hands' :D , which is your favorite?


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