

So I have this friend that always complains about her problems and sometimes I just don’t even wanna talk to her because mostly all she does. What should I do?

That’s your friends so you got to be able to help her. If she’s telling you it’s obviously because she trusts you enough and feels comfortable talking to you or she just really needs to talk about it. But you should try communicating w her, if not say something about, don’t be to harsh. The way you say it might come out a certain way

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So I have this friend that always complains about her problems and sometimes I just don’t even wanna talk to her because mostly all she does. What should I do?

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I had a friend like that , she would never listen to me about my problems because she would always make it about herself. I backed off because that’s not a friendship. Friendship has to be equal.
Just distance ur self I bit slowly and if u don't want to brake that friendship then tell her how u feel then she will understand a get it and not talk about as much well I'd she understand each person is different ??‍♀
Don’t Answer The Damn Phone Plain & Simple !!!!! When U Don’t Answer The Phone It Becomes Less Problems You Have To Deal With
Be honest. Tell her about the things you’re annoyed of and ask her nicely to stop talking about herself all the time. If she can’t have a mature conversation with you or won’t listen to you, then drop her. If she really cared about you, she wouldn’t complain about her problems all the time, and ask how YOU are. If she seems like a self absorbed person, then she’s automatically a toxic person.

Language: English