
Kayleigh Lewis

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I'm 20 and still a virgin guy , is that too bad ?

Nope, just got to wait for the right person!! Your time will come, but don't force it😅

Courtney's a bit of a mess though all she does is drink and fuck guys and drink more and fuck more guys 😬😬😬😬

She hasn't fucked anyone in ages, but think what you like.

Opinion on Connor?

He makes me the happiest, we have so much in common it's scary, we finish each other's sentences off, we know each other so well!! He makes me laugh just by being him, I wouldn't change him for the world!! We sing together, and I'm myself around him which I love!! We don't see each other much, but when we do it's like we've never been apart. So many people have notice the difference in my mood and just generally who I am, and it's great to know that my true friends are happy for me, I can honestly say, life's quite good right now, when a year ago I wasn't quite sure I'd be here. Connor Edward Cave has brought the best out of me, and I'm looking forward to see the future with him!!💍

Why didn't you trust her?

She's not been the best to me, and she's betrayed my trust a lot, she's hurt me so badly, but I forgive her, because I believe that she'll make it up to me one day. People say, why did I go out w Connor when it's Courtney's ex, but compared to the past, it's nothing! I'd do anything for her to be happy again like me, my trust is their for her, just not at 100% yet.

Opinion on Courtney?

She's great!! We've been through so much together!! She's so happy for me, even if Connor was once hers for a day!! Couldn't be happier because I've got Connor and my best friend back!! She's amazing, I laugh everyday because of her!! I have so much to say about her! I love her, even if it is hard to trust her!

How long have you had feelings for him?

Since like day 1, I wasn't sure at first, but we've been through so much, it's been hard, but he's great!!!

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

If be really confused!! And wouldn't know what to do 😂🙄

But thats all you care about is yourself and connor, as far as your concerned if your happy everyone else is😒 there not

That's not true? Obviously don't properly know because I put everyone before myself! Everyone's putting me down and now I can't even be happy, if someone's unhappy and don't tell me, then I can't help them, i don't assume everyone's happy, because I've been in some peoples positions, but think what you like, and pop up.

And i understand he makes you the happiest girl in the world, and hes the only one who has done for the last few weeks but still😒😒

He does indeed make me the happiest girl ever!!


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