

Ask @kaztalek

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Being alone isn't so bad. The quiet is nice, and you can think without having someone trying to talk to you. I haven't dated before, but I think that those a pros of being single.

theres nothing wrong with being single for some people. probably more people than youd think, but theres a lot of pressure culturally to find someone to be with, which causes people to just force bad relationships. that said, you can have quiet in a relationship and dont have to talk all the time; if you find the right person, youll enjoy being with them and talking would never be a burden

I don't understand why people will date each other if they don't feel attracted to one another. It just doesn't sound like a relationship. And I don't think that's shallow. It's just your preference.

if someone likes a person enough, they can look more attractive than normal. but i think a lot of people just dont want to reject someone/feel bad doing it, or think its the best they can get, dont want to be alone, etc, etc, etc. people are afraid of being alone and it gets them into wasting their time on bad relationships

What do you see in a person that makes you like them?

physical attraction and friendship are the most important aspects. call me shallow all you want, but if im not attracted i wont even consider it; a relationship without attraction is the silliest concept ever. to answer more accurately though, you dont just like a person immediately or plan it, it kinda just happens

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Do you ever feel bad about it?

no, its a human right and nothing is owed. also important to note is that i dont think less of the person or weird around them, its only flattering
Liked by: ‮lehcaR

Oh, I know about the talking part. But what about if they like you back?

that doesnt matter at all. rejection isnt a bad thing, you just need to know when the right time to tell them how you feel. knowing how to articulate your feelings to another person is extremely important
Liked by: ‮lehcaR

How do you know if someone is interested in you? I'm kind of oblivious to that.

knowing theyre interested in *talking* to you is the important bit. if they dont want to talk it should be pretty obvious by the way they respond to things, basically theyll seem distant

Did you ever have a bff like spongebob and patrick?

yea, several over the course of my life lol. shit like that doesnt last forever and im sure there will be more in the future

What's the name of your best friend?

i dont really rank my friends anymore, theres kinda just a list of people i talk to/hang out with. no super special bonding bff like patrick and spongebob
Liked by: ‮lehcaR

How do you talk to someone you want to talk to a lot, but not want to sound as if you're trying too hard or being clingy?

i dont think of that sort of stuff, just try talking to them. if they dont show interest, it probably means they dont want to talk/want space, which can suck

Are you the type of person that will admit your feelings for someone to them, or are shy and wait if the other person will admit first?

i wait for the right time, regardless of the other person

What was the last drink you had?

water, tho if you mean alcoholic i had some nasty ass $6 or $7 wine like 2 nights ago

same skype as usual. you should dm me the mumble info if it's cool with the bros.

Gragledump’s Profile Photogragledump
sure thing, ill be on mumble in a little bit and give you the D(etails of the mumble) on skype

how do u feel about weed

my opinion has always been that its ok socially, but buying it or doing it alone is pointless imo

If you had to wear circus leader's mask or stone mask what would it be? Always crying people able to see you? Or stone mask, no one can see you cry?

what the hell kind of question is this? stone mask is by far the most useful mask as youre essentially invisible. wouldnt even be crying because you get an all you can see buffet of titties

most things?

instead of "ask me anything" i said "ask me most things" because for some reason i like to swap out words in common phrases

Have you ever heard of speedrunning?

in my day this is what we would call running track, except you were allowed to cut across the field
Liked by: ‮lehcaR

how many languages are you fluent in? how many do you somewhat know? which ones do you want to learn?

i only know english and i dont care to learn any others. its not a useful enough skill in my eyes to spend the time to learn

Do you ever imagine that you have super powers, or are a different species like part dragon?

no, but i do daydream quite a bit. often times i like to imagine myself in scenarios i wish i was able to be in, its a lot easier than applying myself and actually doing it


Language: English