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kak mending hilang keperawanan sama pacar apa sama semprotan wc?

how did I get.......such question... like.... what the heck....bruh...

Best photo op: sunrises or sunsets?

karena matahari terbenam itu tanda perpindahan dari siang hari ke malam hari tapi masih dalam satu hari.
Sunrise menandakan pergantian hari, yet so many people are wondering, maybe some of them a bit worry to face what tomorrow day holds. I'm one of them.

Cheetos or Doritos?

never tried doritos before, so cheetos!
daann kemarin malam nyoba tes daru link ka alex hasilnya ketebak sih saya dominan make otak kanan

What's one thing you think everyone should do every day?

Wake up then face reality, bcs we'r still humans. yea.

If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?

the fact because I cover my head with scarf everyday, so whatever colors I chooses, that would be useless tho at the end, so yeah....
but I found baek's hair with lilac color, I dont know but it's look kinda cute, probably I would dyed my hair to that color, sometimes....

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

1. Elliot Smith - Between The Bars
2. Bon Iver - I Can't Make You Love Me
3. All Time Low - Therapy
kok semua baper song yaaa..... :)

Language: English