
Ahmad Jamal

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Latest answers from Ahmad Jamal

Financial aid ka btadoo? Kesi milti ha and ect? And yani uni mein serf 3 students kou milti hae scholarship?

everything's mentioned on their website.

LUMS mein scholarship hae?

they give financial aid to the deserving students. and top 3 students get scholarships every year. top student: 100% scholarship, 2nd topper: 75% and 3rd 50%

Hii, so youte from lums right? Could you help me out? Just tell me what does Lums requires while getting admission? Olevels cie grade, aslevel mid term and mock result and aslevel cie result?

SAT results,
O levels result, (CIE)
AS level result (CIE)
no mid term/mocks results are required


Ahmad Jamal
Eid Mubarak people 😊
Remember me and people who aren't with us today in your prayers..
Allah tala hmen aur ramazan k mahinay ataa farmaye aur hamary mulk k halaat behtar farmaye.
Eid Mubarak once again :)

Language: English