

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I would rather listening to nothing, otherwise I would probably start hating the song I picked.

Latest answers from kirilburrell

why aren't you certain yet?

I gave you misguided information for your last question, sorry. Forget the 'I think' part.

Megan Wilkinson?

No. You're just gonna go through my friends list until I say yes. So from now on, if you name people. I'm not gonna answer them.

if you appreciate my honesty then know that i would appreciate yours

Honesty can't work both ways unless both people know each other. And as you are anonymous, I don't know you, therefore I feel less inclined to tell you anything.

Im interested because im nosy. That's it. So please just tell what colour eyes and hair she has?

Appreciate the honesty. She's a bald albino. So she doesn't have hair and her eyes are pink.

Language: English