

Ask @kirilburrell

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Would you rather live without TV or music?

It would depend on how you meant TV; if it was general TV then yes, but if you meant TV that was integrated through other means of technologies like computers/internet then I would rather live without music.

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Are you outgoing or shy?

People tell me me I'm out going, blunt or however you want to say it, but I actually keep a lot of things in my head and am sometimes too shy or nervous to say them.

Do you have any strange phobias?

Apiphobia, the fear of bees and Spheksophobia which is the fear of wasps.

If you had to choose a song to define your life, what would it be and why?

Yoshiken’s Profile PhotoKeiron Harman
Not sure, so I Googled a generator for this. Came out with Teddy Geiger - For You I Will (Confidence).

What would you say are your best and worst features, both physically and mentally?

Hmm, well best would be my strength and attitude toward bad situations. Worst would be my weight and the fact that I'm retarded.

Are you THE kiril? (ah gd times)

I literally have no memory or clue of what you are talking about, enlighten me.

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

1.Become a doctor
2.Run a company
3.Destroy the universe


Language: English