

Ask @ksieurbfucidnw

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❓❗️ How are you?

I met some one and she treats me very well … she don’t care about my money, she doesn’t care about my past, and she don’t play games with me, she makes me feel valuable, to the point that I remember all the shit you’ve done … and all the shit you’ve said. And just to know that most people are nicer than you makes wanna throw up 🤮

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Alright, judging by the answers, most women said "it's not" while the men... uhmm... so let me ask it one more time, WHY IS IT HARD FOR MEN TO STAY LOYAL? 🤣

Loyal of what.. loyal to whom ??? So much shit you hesitate to explain this is your result .. don’t blame me … this is the game you been paying I’m fucking tired .. and I hate your little pussy friend. If he really wanna say something, he needs to man up and take those stupid shades off, he can’t look in to my eyes .. he is too weak .. fucking pussy.. yeah I’m mad !!!! You do stupid shit and you never have a conversation about it.

I prefer bus transport to avoid car payment and bills 🥴

🤣😂🤣😂 I wish I had public transportation 😂😂😂😂 the only public transportation is some cows that the neighbors have

Favorite shake flavor?

None .. it’s all nasty .. you’re talking about protein shakes ??? 🤢 but they are really good.

okay so i am a nsfw content creator and i have never had a boyfriend, but there is this boy that i really like and he might ask me out in the future or i might it's a little confusing, but we like each other, but he doesn't know about my content, would he find it attractive? or the opposite?? help!

Do you draw? I had a dream that you where drawing me 😁… do you draw guys that you find attractive ? Do you still draw. You never talk about your drawings. Show me please I wanna get to know
You more and more each day

Why are people so bigoted? Like a person made a bad judgement call one time in their life and now everyone hates them. Like it's understandable that a s*x offense against another human being is wrong and everything but everyone deserves a second chance.

Second chance of what ?

Do you know when someone like you ?

No because most people like me so I expect most people to smile at me cause I always offer friendship


Language: English