

Ask @ksieurbfucidnw

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Do you like Sleeping on Hard Matresses

Not really… but you never know… I’m L.A. we got robbed, we were homeless for around 8 days sleeping in rest areas, in the car.. no showers, little food, cold weather … so even if I have a blanket I’m thankful for that blanket ..
Also I used to have a nice size bed… but when I came back from California this took was changed .. the bed was gone. And only a little bed I found .. my mom said that she had to change the rooms for guest or my kids … so once again my world was limited and sad.
But I don’t feel bad .. because no one knows what I’m getting in the future.. God still around me protecting me and I will get blessings once again.
Most people around me have realized that they have been hard on me specially when I was depressed … the good news about this story is that I got up by my self… I didn’t use no ones help to get up, it was my spirit and I asked God for strength and wisdom and forgiveness ..
And because of that, I’m proud of my self… I’m out of drugs and depression I’m stronger and wiser than before .. my faith is stronger also… I’m blessed now 🙏
But I can’t wait to buy a big bed though 😅😅😅😅😅

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Have you ever ran out of water or food

Yes… when I was fixing the house I sold, I ran out of money … and I didn’t eat right for a few days.. My dog was starving too… I tried to go to my kids house to get some food .. but their mother kicked me out, she said that I was invading her property, she was cooking and she was serving food to my kids. She told me to get out. That shit broke me so fucking bad.. Not because she kicked me out 😅😅😅 but because I was so hungry and she new I was living in an empty house with out food.
She was in love with some one, so I didn’t matter for her. The only reason I matter for her is if I give her money …: that’s why I don’t give her shit… and now she has to work as twice as much and she still can’t find the type of men she wants

When you’re going through the “can’t get out of bed phase,” what do you do to help you get back in the groove? I’m struggling.

Get up

HELP! How to ghost a girl who i impregnated? …..I don’t wanna pay any child support !

Child support ??? Shit rather give my kids the money … their mother is an impulsive buyer

Is it possible to find love on here? I’m looking for a potential partner, but they must be in my area, and must be the same age as me (24) because I do not date younger than me nor long-distance. What are the chances of me finding someone?

Post a pic and I’ll tell you

It’s expensive to get a passport?

grandmasterqtipp2’s Profile Photonicholas
No… it takes time though … because of my situation .. but I’m still good enough to travel… I’ve never been to prison .. just local jails

How did you make your mom really mad when you were a kid?

In 3rd grade I got in to a fight . And I dragged the kid in to the principle office and I lock the door and we end up fighting in there, the principle was not there 😁😁😁… they had to go and find my mom cause they couldn’t open the door… It was chaos … the entire school was exited 😅😅😅 the office was a mess 😅😅😅 I got suspended and they switch me to night school for only 3 weeks though.
I’m not a violent person .. people hate on me cause I’m very different

When do you consider a person is a “Keeper”?

When she do things behind your back to protect you from other bitches …

thr was a grl who was suffring frm Disc bulge, was depressed, we used to talk online, i gave her motivation, supported her emotionally took her out of depression and even financially supported her for her therapy, she said i was her fvrt and that she loved me! I also started feeling for her, 1/2

qamaradeel’s Profile PhotoChaOs!
No.. not even close like that.. the story is very different .. that’s why I’m calling her to find out what the hell she’s saying behind my back


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