
Kyle smith

Ask @kyle_robert_smith

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Thought you were with that senior?

Was, then shit happened and long story short things just didn't work out and it's no ones fault we started dating at a bad time and sadly I had to end it so in the end we just weren't a good pair

Hahaha nigga you bench on jv so it's like basically your not there

I was benched because I had a double sprained ankle and don't call me nigga you sound so immature and uneducated when you say it.
Liked by: Patrick Ryan Kassidy

Yo why did you even tryout for the soccer team if you don't even know how to kick a ball lol

I mean like hey I'm not the best 😂 I'll admit that but I'm just rusty dude and I don't think I'm doing that bad being that I made Jv after not playing soccer for 3 years 😂

Well you post about it a lot.. And I don't believe I am stupid.thanks though

Haha I post about it because people say I'm a fuck boy when I'm actually a nice guy lol and no problem I enjoy helping others understand who they really are 😂 you just so happen to be stupid

Do you think you've changed in the last year? In what way?

Plenty of ways
The big one was I went from a fuck boy to just looking like one and acting like a normal guy for once and supposedly I got hot 😂

Why where you at the freshman soccer game today? Aren't you a sophomore?

Were* and because that was my punishment for missing a scrimmage I had to be the ballbitch but I did get to coach the freshman for 30 minutes

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

The time I almost dieddddd 😂 crazy times 😂


Language: English