

Ask @ladythinmint

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would a smaller crt be a disatvantage for peach because it would be harder to tell if you got a stitchface?

I actually have had this issue before, haha! But a TV related disadvantage applies to both you and your opponent. Maybe unrelated but an interesting thing, I notice sometimes non-peach players don't easily differentiate between turnips, as in I might have a (-_-) turnip but they start playing scared and then I find out they thought it was a stitch hahaha

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whats your view on the 20xx apocalypse?

It's not real. People want to believe Fox is so broken that they have no reason to study/work hard anymore.

I knew you a while back, Karen, what happened?? You were into music, literature and writing among other things! Now it's just this video game? It's so sad

I knew you a while back, Anonymous, what happened?? You used to be into going outside and meeting real people, now your life is just harassing this girl on the internet? It's so sad

went to a big smash tourney recently and there were a lot of cute girls. I really wanted to start talking to them or ask some of them for friendlies, but couldnt. any help?

the best thing to do is just say hey wanna play friendlies? and if she says yes then that's great because it means you're both there at the tournament for the same reason hopefully! n_n after that if ur really interested in somebody, just have natural conversation as if her gender doesn't matter at all. you'll get to know her best without a presupposed sexual atmosphere, if that makes sense. im not every girl but i can vouch that i appreciate when people approach me in a well-mannered way like that. and the last thing is ultimately to be in it for more than just chemistry. play the game, that's how melee players get to know and love (or hate) each other. haha. if this helps you be less nervous, i can definitely say that in a tournament environment, you're 100% normal and the opposite of weird when you ask someone to play videogames with you. good luck!

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How does one counter Peach's turnips and recovery? I don't have a lot of experience with the Peach MU with any of my characters but the pressure and unpredictability the turnips provide always get me no matter which character I play. Recovery also feels ungimpable sometimes....

Umm I think maybe your first problem is that you still haven't picked a main? I can be much more helpful if you can specify a character or characters where peach gives u problems in particular! :)

Melee is the best game in the world, Do you think everyone will ever stop playing it?

No way dude. People have this idea in their heads that there's an end of the meta, but there's not. The human body will never = TAS.

What would be your first reaction when you see a woman hit a man??

Probably freak out and yell something to get them to stop. I reacted this way recently to kids fighting at the park actually...It's a really awkward thing to yell at people in public but violence makes me uncomfortable and most strangers would just let it happen. :/ Also, letting your partner treat your body badly is a sign of deeper emotional abuse. Nobody deserves that I don't care what gender.

What are your thoughts on balance changes via patches with regards to how it affects a game's lifespan and meta? Curious what you would think as a Melee player, since that game got basically no changes ever and Smash 4 is getting a ton.

Theoretically, altering a game in its early stages for the sake of balance sounds like something that could give it greater longevity. But only time will tell. Melee has survived 14 years now with no banned characters and no patches. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1. If you did play Smash 4 competitively, who do you think you would main? Peach is my assumption. 2. Which, if any, of Peach's custom moves do you like?

Ness! I play Ness whenever I play smash 4 (which admittedly isn't often though). I've played s4 Peach too but I don't wanna be fucking with my Melee Peach.

you smoke kush or cigs?

I enjoy the green more than you might expect ;) haha, and I have a pack of Turkish royals in my pocket right now. cigarettes are sooo bad though! shame on me!
Liked by: Don Burton

remember when all he did was down smash..

yes, haha, I know what you mean. that's fundamental peach though. he's definitely grown and followed the right path :)

do u think mac d is a good peach main or a bad one?

He's excellent. Watching him play as we speak and he has come a very long way as a player. I'm proud of MacD. He has been arguably second best for a long time, but he is working hard to close the gap between himself and Armada.

I feel you about the Smash 4 community being in a constant state of disagreement. How hard is it to come up with solutions to problems a community to begin with?

Actually, I should say that what turns me off is how segments of the community refuse to support each other through disagreement. I'm just trying not to generalize. But seriously. Evo announces No Customs, people change their minds about going to Evo. Aftershock announces Customs Legal, the people going to Evo start asking for refunds from Aftershock. Evo announces Customs Legal in the final ruleset and then a bunch of busters are sitting around at home not supporting the scene. It just comes off as a bit of a train wreck. But, I really appreciate the supportive players, and the players who are passionate despite negative talk about their game of choice.

Ever consider playing Smash 4 competitively?

Yes, but I'm turned off by the community's constant disagreement. It's not their fault, it's a new game with a lot to consider, but I feel that by practicing Melee I'm investing in something more stable and more likely to reward me.

Just wanted to say that you represent feminism very well, for lack of better words; I share most of the same opinions but usually have a hard time articulating my thoughts into coherent arguments, and I'm glad the community has a representative that can

Thank you!! This is a really encouraging thing to read. I try super hard to make my beliefs accessible and understandable, but at the end of the day some people still want to hurt me, so messages like these are really appreciated. <3


Definitely Cosmo! But I love all of you, don't get me wrong!

thanks for fighting the good fight. hope you aren't getting shit on too much by random people.

Eh, it happens everyday. They're not all dumb but they are often disingenuous. I appreciate your appreciation :)
Liked by: SAMUEL LE

What are the most important stuff for peach vs fox

1st lesson is to have a good neutral game. your best options in the neutral game, from what I understand, are FC nair and dash attack. Dash attack is fast and has good range, but you want to use it as a punish. That means that in neutral, when you and your opponent are playing the spacing game but nobody has the advantage yet, IF they throw out an attack that whifs but is close enough to punish, you can quickly dash attack to hit them, and it will usually get you a chance to follow up. However, I don't like to just "throw out" dash attack as something to try to catch them with. Nair is better for that, especially if they're expecting dash attack. It's safer mainly because you can immediately cancel it into the ground with no lag, or float back to retreat. So use nair to "catch" them, but dash attack to punish. Dash attack itself is very punishable if whiffed in close range. Downsmash is your third big tool, if a Fox is too eager to come in on you with downward inputs like shine for example. Best case scenario, they crouch cancel it by accident. Experiment with all this and see what other ideas work for you. :)
2nd thing is drillshines. Have you ever been caught in a seemingly endless dair-shine sequence by a fox? It feels helpless, but you actually have a solid option at any percent: Smash DI straight away. Fox's down air has set knockback if I'm correct, meaning that the knockback doesn't change based on your %, so you can always get away from it and avoid getting hit by the next shine. When he dairs, hold C stick horizontally out (in the direction fox is facing) and you can also mash the joystick the same way to effect SDI. Then you hold L to buffer shield so that you block the next hit.
3rd and last major thing I will talk about is uthrow-uair. I'm sure you're aware of how good this string is for fox. a good rule of thumb is to input the SDI the moment u see Fox flip upside down for the upair. you can SDI straight up and survive sometimes if you get thrown straight up, but try DIing the throw and and then SDIing horizontally accordingly. Here is an old guide, it's not esports so I hope it doesn't offend you but it does the job. http://smashboards.com/threads/how-to-sdi-foxs-u-throw-u-air-and-not-die.217426/
I'll never get tired of answering this question tbh. This is arguably the most fun matchup in the game to play (tied with Falco dittos?). ;p. And answering these questions helps me learn the MU! so thanks for asking. Good luck!

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Gotcha bitch

So in other words you just came here to pretend to be civil, but you were really just a fuckboy.

I just think that if you're going to argue against gendered slurs (as I would) it would be preferable to avoid the usage of gendered slurs.

I understand what you're saying. I think we agree on the usage of slurs, but disagree on what qualifies as a slur.
If I used the term "fuckboy" with sexist motives, it would be wrong. Like if someone called me a bitch for speaking about feminism, it would be wrong. But I hear people use "bitch" "bitching" "bitches" all the time to refer to people they just don't like, because they think it's a funny word. And I let it go. Not because I'm some authority on what counts as sexist, but because I truly believe that certain words hold more power than others, and words have the ability to lose or gain power over time.
I don't think I have ever made an "all men" type of comment. I'm very careful about doing that, even in jest, because some people get hurt by it. And no matter what I think of the power imbalance between genders, my goal is not to hurt anyone.
But I'll just be honest, and maybe this argument won't satisfy you, but it's how I feel. Sometimes you just need a word to refer to all the people who send you threats, messages of sexual harassment, and other forms of explicit sexism. Sometimes you want a word for them that is even one hundredth, maybe one thousandth, as powerful as the words they call you. Except when I say fuckboy, I don't mean, "I expect this from your gender." When I say fuckboy, I mean, "You might be a man, but your behavior is shit."

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Liked by: Kirstie

how do you deal with people hating on you in your local scene? there are a few in my (small) scene that dislike me for my feminist views and pre-conceived notions that i'm a ""gamer girl"" and it's tough for me to go to smash fests most times. anyways your vocality of views is very inspiring to me!

When I saw this I just thought, "Ouch, this hits home."
First, remember that you are never the only one. I'm always willing to talk, anonymously or not, about Melee or not, it doesn't matter. <3
I grew up a tomboy whose only means of making friends was through videogames. It worked for me as a kid in daycare, but adults are judgmental. Fast forward to age 19 and I was becoming quickly immersed in the Smash scene, which seemed the perfect environment for someone like me. I always saw only the good in Smashers, or if I had beef with someone I would go back to being a psychophant (people-pleaser, wanting people to like me) pretty quickly. I just thought people were so cool and their "friendship" was worth the mistreatment.
In some ways, I was right. MOST PEOPLE in the scene are NOT predators, misogynists, or etc. But there is still something I had to learn the hard way:
Some dudes just aren't going to like you.
Ever been sandbagged? Maybe someone gave you this advice: "Just beat them and show them that they have to take you seriously next time." So maybe you beat the guy, and after you won, he only hated you more. Because how could you think you deserved that win? Typical gamer girl, right?
Or maybe they'll *subtly* treat you poorly, in a way that makes you feel like you're crazy, you must be imagining it or you must be too sensitive. They might ignore you in discussions or act like you haven't proven your love for the game yet. Or even worse, they might make sexist comments or jokes to you when you feel trapped in a public setting. Without even thinking about it, they'll just do it. Maybe you've heard the advice, "Just keep practicing and doing your thing." But it still feels like you can't win.
Well, you're already doing the right thing. Following the advice I've mentioned might not sound satisfying, but the longer you keep it up, the more self satisfied you will feel. Your role in this community is about your relationship with the game you play, and you get to define that through your own hard work and dedication. So if I have any advice to add, it's just to keep going and be relentless. I've been attending tournaments for almost 2 years now and I'm pretty sure I've established that I'm not going to go away any time soon. And people in my local scene seem to have lost interest in mocking me. I also chose to stop going to certain smashfests, and instead play with people who genuinely enjoy my company. You'll improve more at a fest with 3 people and a good mindset, than you ever will at a fest with 50 people and a horrible mindset. Mindset is really what it all comes down to and I can get more specific about that if you ever wanna talk more. Best of luck to you <3 <3 <3

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Liked by: Don Burton

Isn't "fuckboy" a gendered slur?

There are 1,000x more slurs for women that hold way more power, so no, I truly don't think it's the same thing at all.
Whore, slut, bitch, cunt, etc all carry much worse, gender-specific implications. But if you think otherwise, I'm open to hear the argument.
Liked by: Kirstie

The way you ride leffens D is very typical of you and pretty standard "gamer girl" stuff. It's honestly really gross.

Weak minds put people into boxes and label them "Gamer Girl," etc. I'm sorry you are one of those weak minds.

How is the Peach-Doc matchup?

i don't know the numbers, but i don't think they're relevant. it's an unfavorable match up for doc because he's just not that great. peach's slowness is what causes her to suffer in a meta of fast characters. doc is not fast. if the peach plays patiently she can body him.

Seeing that Ten video makes me wonder about character diversity among female smashers. Is the stereotype of overwhelming peach representation true in your experience or is it just what we tend to see on stream etc? If it is true, is that a problem in your opinion and do you see it changing?

Good question. In my experience, women play a highly diverse range of characters. Peachyhime and Milktea etc probably suited the role that Nintendo wanted to portray at E3, but they were acting in the capacity of Nintendo representatives; that is, representing the company moreso than the competitive female player base. I have respect for these women, I want to clarify, but that is beside the point.
When it comes to the All Women Play Peach stereotype, it is merely a convenient thing to say for those who want to get people mad. Ten's Marth, Admiral's ICs, Kupo's Sheik and many more are shining examples to the contrary. A competitive player should understand that what a company promotes is not always perfectly relevant to the competitive community. I suspect that even some of the people who promote the stereotype know they are speaking a bit of ignorance.
However, I do know more than a few up and coming girls who main Peach. It should be no surprise that when a person sits down with a game for the very first time, often you're just picking the character who appeals visually to you, without any knowledge of their in-game feel. Peach is not only feminine, but high tier, so a decent % of women will end up sticking with her. For me, I first mained Ness precisely because i thought he was "cool," but quickly learned that I would need a better character to win. I picked Peach because her playstyle offered more, even though she didnt interest me immediately. So ironically I get lumped in as Just Another One when really i was very reluctant to switch and my male friend was the one insisting I give her a chance.
Sorry for the poor writing, I wanted to get these ideas out but mobile phone johns and time constraints etc.

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If you could make an all-girls Smash crew consisting of 6 players (and obviously really wanted to win), who would you pick on your team?

In a crew alongside me, the following list of 5 would be super hype:
Legion- according to Hbox she's taken games off of Lucky and Jman
Admiral- closer than anyone to breaking top 100 probably. took a game off slox for example (iirc) and is still an active player.
DynaDASH- just watch her videos.
Kupo- had some damn good tournament results in her active days, in both singles and doubles.
Suzarya- because I believe in her talent. watch her doubles sets with PPU!!! she's also super nice.
I would be on the lower end of skill level in this group.

Have you ever experienced Sleep Paralysis?

Actually i think I experienced this when I was a kid. I've dabbled in lucid dreaming as an adult, but when I was little, I would totally be awake but yet have these terrifying, like actually paralyzing dreams where a caveman like character would come into my room with a huge club and start approaching me. I would get so scared and finally yell for my Dad, I think, and then he would come in and turn on the light and the caveman would disappear until the next night. Happened a lot, I don't know why.

who is the best female melee player?

Probably Admiral, but DynaDASH is an excellent player too, I just don't know much of her activity recently. The thing is so many female players leave the scene after getting pretty good so we never see their full potential, or we forget about them. In my opinion Admiral has the stuff to make it though. She doesn't waste effort on social media and her wobbling is v consistent.

Peach's worst matchup in the low-tier group (even if none are BAD some have to be worse than others)?

tbh Doc is a good character and Link/YL do some decent work on Peach. Mijo beat me by going Link on DL once. it was legit. It's just that, with low tiers, once you learn the MU they can never gimmick you again. but most people never fully learn the LT MUs. IMO

Why the switch to Falco? No more faith in Peach?

Actually I'm using Falco to make me a better overall player! In my fantasies, I would have picked up Falco from the start, but in Melee, you can't just switch mains. That's how I've come to understand it. But the more I practice Falco, the better I get with Peach. Space animals teach the Melee player fundamentals like a piano background teaches the music student fundamentals.

What do you do when you pull a stitch?

What you do with a stitch depends on your opponent. You need to gauge whether they are ready to deal with it or not, and if they are, throw it away. Unless you're at a huge advantage and you think you have the upper hand. Then you can wait for something punishable, but seriously, you need to throw that shit at soon as it happens, because shine comes out so fast. and some people will be snarky ass bitches and catch your stitch, and you don't have a shine to deal with that and you're not fast, so you're gonna eat shield damage. Playing against a character with a cape? Not worth it unless the % disparity is strongly in your favor. Remember you can't nair through a stitch face like it were any other turnip, so shine and cape are serious threats. Have a plan and play safe.

Do Peach mains care about the second strongest turnip (dot eyes) that deals slightly more damage than the rest? Usually I see people just wasting it like it was a normal turnip. is it useless?

People are dumb for wasting dot eyes. I always go for the re-catch. It has good stun, knockback and damage.

What is Peach's worst matchup in your opinion? Why?

Alright...This is actually a very hard question to answer. I'm sitting in the car with Oracle and asked, "Do you think Fox is Peach's worst MU at the top level?" and he said No, It's Jigglypuff, but then I had arguments for Fox and he had arguments for Puff. One thing's for sure though, as we like to say in DFW, there is no God.
But I'll give you my opinion, just keep in mind I'm a very low level player with more game knowledge than relevant skill.
In my opinion, Fox and Puff are tied for The Worst. They are both heavily stage dependent matchups where one character annihilates the other in both neutral and punish game, but not unwinnable. Puff's punish game may be the most disproportionate, but I see her as least likely to continue developing, Peach as more likely to continue developing, and Fox as the most likely to continue developing.

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SFAT vs Leffen! Who do you believe in?

Leffen! SFAT clearly seems to have reason to believe in himself though so I'd expect some good games if he can get Leffen to accept the MM.

How do you maintain your amazing skin?

aw, wow, is this question for real? I use lotion on the days I exfoliate, and when I'm exfoliating I focus on the nose. plus baby oil or an oil based eye makeup remover to keep my eyes from wrinkling! I also go a lot of days without makeup, but these are days you want your skin to be clean too, not just covered in last night's oil. that way it can breathe. I don't have the best skin, but believe it or not it used to be much worse!

you watch any animes atm? :)

Jojo's!! it's really great!!! I hadn't watched anime in a long time but Oracle got me into it! I got tired of wading through animes that offered the same stuff (male protag with a bunch of sexy female backups) but this one has a bunch of buff shounen fighting for their friends and just a couple of very well done female characters! plus the art, music, and character development are all awesome! sorry for so many exclamation marks haha

How long will it be until a woman wins a Smash major do you think/hope?

a long time probably, and I'm okay with that, because it takes a long time to get good at melee. more and more ladies are getting into the scene which is a great start. the important thing for a girl to focus on is improvement, same as any guy. every improvement is a victory. melee is just something you have to love and be dedicated to it for a long time. anybody who demands faster results from women has forgotten that. it is the individual's place to be demanding of herself. same as a man.

How important are Turnips to Peach?

100% indelible from her character design. peach is slow, she absolutely needs turnips.

how do you deal with it? I have low self esteem and i know people talk about me

if they look at you, talk about you, can't really look you in the eye, what does that sound like? they love you. so you do what a celebrity does and ignore the obsessed people. play videogames and live your life.
also, you can always inbox me, here or twitter i don't mind.

do you feel at times a lot of people gang up on each other? do you think cliques exist in our community?

Curious thing actually, I've experienced this in real life more than anywhere else. There's literally a FB chat where kids from my own region used to talk about me. You learn to take it in stride.
Liked by: Don Burton


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