
Lauren :)

Ask @laurennnn2442

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How is coming back to ais so far?

Strange but good :) it was weird at the beginning because I was "back home" but I felt homesick at the same time. Fortunately I had my friends here so they helped me out, without even knowing it, and made it normal for me again <3 <3

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What kind of popcorn do you think is dominating the market in southern Zimbabwe?

Probably the good kind.. Not sure though..

Hi Lauren, i miss you so much! <3 how are you? :)

I don't know who you are but I MISS YOU TOOOOO!!! Ahahah I am fine thank you! Busy but fine :)

Hey i need girl advice. Theres a girl i used to have a thing with and i like her a lot but weve had some distance between us and dont see each other or talk much anymore. What should i do?

Welllll, if you still like her, then you should make the effort to get her back I suppose.. Close that distance and talk more. :)

Yes, this is the question! :)

Ahahha I miss a lot of people!!! A few would be: Neneeee, sibi, ali, ele, paola, Irene m, Lorenzo x4 ahah, tommy, dani, Simone, ale, nicco, speeeedooooo, luca, and moreee

list all people who you have been a bitch to and all the people that have been a bitch to you

Now tell me how thats gonna make life better??

Is there someone who miss you?:) for example in Vienna, in Italy...

HELL YEAH!!! I miss so many people.. too many tbh. :'(

Do you like having people ask you questions. if so i'll do this more often :P

yeah I think it's fun and really interesting!

Dear Lauren, I just wanted you to know how I feel about you, also so that you know someone out there has feelings for you. Im to shy to tell you this in real but I think your very beautiful and your happiness makes my day alot of the time, I always look forward to seing you :D I really like you :)

Dear anon, since I have no idea who you are I can't exactly reply in the most meaningful manner but ill try! Thank you for the compliments and it makes me happy that you look forward to seeing me! Wow that's really surprising tbh and I don't know how to respond cuz idk I didn't see that coming!! Talk to me in school cuz there is NOOOO reason to by shy! Especially around me!! Hahahhaah but thank you for the compliments and the kind words!!! This made my morning ^.^ Hahaha
Liked by: Charli Morachnick

If anyone, which person you would most likely date at the moment?

Hmmm idk.. Atm I want to get close to people and get to know people

on a scale of 1 to Dom how awesome is Dom

Dom is more awesome than this picture. Hope that answers your question XD

I got out my popcorn well reading these questions, most entertaining thing ever. Love internet fights

HAHAHAHAHAHHA I wouldn't say it's a fight..just a disagreement and I am honestly trying to understand... I hope you are enjoying your popcorn!

There was a reason why there was an intervention for you Lauren. Many guys are falling for you because of your flirting, although it may seem to you as if you're acting normal, but the fact that you've gotten between 3 of your best friends' crushes tells us otherwise.

aight, so there was an intervention for me but it had nothing to do with me and talking to guys and also isn't reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy your business tbh... but let me clear this thing up for you. first, flirting means; "to behave as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions." I act the same way with everyone and I am not sexually attracted to everyone so I think you used the wrong term. I act the same way around my friends regardless if they have a penis or not. So I am rather confused at what your trying to say there...secondly, my best friends would tell me if I was getting in the way of them and their crushes, and why the hell would I do that? If they clearly showed me and told me then I would never do anything to interfere with them and whoever they are interested in. The fact is, my 3 best friends who you haven't clarified yet, haven't said anything, and I haven't done anything wrong. Give me examples of my wrong doing because I genuinely don't understand.
Lastly, what was your question?

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Lets do this differently!! I'll give u an answer and you come up with a question!!!! Hahaha ummm rainbow bannana split sunday with sprinkles creme chocolate and cherries :) GO GO GO

your a pretty cool person. AND MY QUESTION IS, where do you come from?
Liked by: Eric Ohlund


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