

How are you?

omg I disappear so much. hi all, there’s been a lot of ups and downs that has happened to me but I am here :-) got an apartment with my love, got a full time primary teaching job. so happy
Liked by: Ahmad Raza Khan
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Latest answers from Leilani

Wat r u doin?

legit was slowly falling asleep midst writing while studying this afternoon omg teacher life

Any plans for tomorrow?

I’m so exhausted.. my day consists of six am wake up into yoga/pilates then work time then study at home and spend time with loved ones

Do you think you got raised correctly

this is a lil bit of a personal question but overall
I would say yes, maybe too well that it restricted me to flourish a lil but I eventually got there

If your kids or future kids wanna learn a marital arts would you let them

definitely. it’s so good to know for self defence

Language: English