
Lauren Molter

Ask @lemolter2709

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Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

there's a few. definitely josh bc like boyfriend and all but yeah also christian, lexi, calyn, charli, alan, emil, etc.

Wen did u fiurst realizze u luved Charli *pretends to be anon by spelling badly*

Charli Morachnick
who ever could be asking me this?! hmm I would say I first started loving her after the very first thing she said to me, and I quote, "wow, what a rebel" she is my baby and I love her<33

When did you first fall in love?

who knows when it was, but I know that I did and with the best person in the entire world. I love him so much

How long does love live?

as long as you let it. it doesn't just come and stay. you need to cherish it and strengthen it and once you stop it, the love is no longer there.
Liked by: indy Allie

Why do people lie?

there are so many reasons.
sometimes they're self conscious about the truth and they don't want people to know the truth.
sometimes they lie to feel approved and accepted by people
sometimes people do it to keep them out of trouble, because they know the truth will be bad for them.
some people lie to spare feelings of other people, because they know that the truth will hurt.
and some people lie simply for the feel of rebellion. they get a rush in telling lies, and sometimes it can even get compulsive which is the worst kind of all.

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

ah ok so i would get one on each of my wrists. one would say strength and the other would say beauty. because those things really help me through recovery and the wrists are obviously really symbolic.
i would also get a cross on the side of my arm. super simple but just bc faith and all.
and then i dont know where but i want to get a leafless winter tree. its soooo symbolic to me. i feel like it represents me bc it may not be the prettiest and it's struggling to stay alive. but yet, it's still fighting and living. and i feel like that's me exactly.

In keeping with honesty day, what do you like and not like about your school?

alright so like i said, i will be honest here. i always tell people i hate PC but that's just bc its school and i don't like school. but the actual school has a lot of good stuff about it. beautiful building, lots of classes to choose from, great academics. but i don't like the administration very much and how strict their rules can be. and i mean this isn't really to do with the school but there's a lot of people there who i reeeallllyyy don't like.
Liked by: Eric Ohlund

so i know its usually honesty hour, but will you do like a full honesty day? answer any questions anyone asks you completely honestly.

i mean yeah sure. i never get questions on here really but if anybody wants to, yeah i'll do it(:

What’s one mistake you keep repeating?

getting myself into bad situations but never bothering to get out. i'll be like "wow this kinda sucks, i'm not gonna do this again" and then ooops i do. and i never fix it which is even worse. oooooopsss

You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose?

i choose to get off of this website bc real life doesn't make me choose bye
Liked by: ❥ Beth Amanda

who do you follow on here?

wow that's a lot of effort um ok
Amanda Braswell @abraswell13
Brandon Benson @Brandon____
Brandon Camos @brandoncamos
Brett Morachnick @BrettMorachnick
Casen Wilson @Caden18881
Caz Nair @TheoneandonlyCaz
Charli Morachnick @charliwithoutane
Christian Kirchner @ChristiannKirchner
Danny Hill @DannyHill13
Diane Caffrey @diane_caffrey0928
Emily Rose White @Emilie0101Rose
Eric Ohlund @EricOhlund
Shannon Frith @TeAmoSpott
Jaidyn Strange @JaidynStrange
Jason Pisani @JasonPisani
Josh Kozuch @soundfxartist2
Kaitlyn Humphreys @KaitlynH12
Katelyn Kelly @lookingupatthesky
Lauren DelFabro @laurennnn2442
Lily Sarian @lilysarian04
Lexi Strollo @AsapLexii
Matt Fain @MattFain
Nate Cryan @NateCryan
Indy Waghmare @nishadindywhytfmustimakeanotherusername
Peyton Coleman @Peytatoes
Presley Taylor @PresleyTaylor
Raina Turner @raeluvsu
Ryan Molter @donutmonster18
Samantha Lenger @Samanthalenger
Samantha Onderdonk @xoSamanthaxo
Shelby Wilson @Shelbydee2000
Taylor McManus @trm1998
that took way too long omf

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Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

i honestly don't really know how to answer this. i want to be a genius because thoughts are so powerful and amazing but if i were lonely at the same time, those thoughts would easily turn really really dark. i would like the social part but not the idiot part. i couldn't do that. i know this sounds really cocky but my brains are pretty much all i have so i couldn't do that. ugh idkkk this one is really hard.
Liked by: Amanda


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