
Lauren Molter

Ask @lemolter2709

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which people do you think of as sisters?

I guess there's a few that I could say. I could go with charli and izzy maybe. But definitely Diane. She's like the little sister I've always wanted.
Liked by: Amanda

What's the best thing that happened to you today?

i got to be with my old best friend again<3 oh and starbucks duh

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What is the best news you could hear right now?

grandpa isn't actually dead
my iPhone magically uncracked itself
"I have food for you"
you can have my swag
sigh if only
Liked by: Katelyn Kelly

What is the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite sex?

their eyes. i absolutely love it when guys have pretty eyes.

What makes you strong?

well the one thing that can either tear me down or build me up is my thoughts. they've taken me to pretty dark places but if i control them in the right way, they help me up. that's really the only thing i can think of though.

How fast do you fall in love?

longer than most, but when those feelings do end up coming, they come fast and all at once.

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

check my phone
cry a little bc no one ever texts me
go back to sleep
wake up again
cry a little more bc i have to participate in real life

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

my grandpa. i mean i knew him but he died when i was 2. so i would want to know him better.
Liked by: Eric Ohlund

Who is your most hated celebrity?

anybody who lets the fame get to their head and they think they're better than everyone else.

What movie inspires you?

painful secrets. it's so incredibly sad and i think it kinda slapped me into reality that i can't be doing this. so it didn't inspire me as much as it changed me.

Why thank you very much, it should be fun, we have our press rehearsal tonight so all the big newspapers will be there. It's quite exciting!

Eric Ohlund
That's pretty impressive! We don't have the press or anything, it's just a high school show, nothing big or anything.

We're doing a new show called Les Lignes du Coeur, it's about asylum seekers who are essentially being kicked out of the country they're in and then someone gets stabbed about halfway through. It doesn't sound quite as lighthearted as yours, but I'm really excited about it I think it'll be really go

Eric Ohlund
Who cares if it's lighthearted, that sounds like a ton of fun! I love dying onstage for some reason and so being stabbed on stage would be pretty great :p good luck though!!!
Liked by: Eric Ohlund

That sounds really awesome, I'd go, but ya know... continents and all that. But it does genuinely sound really good, ours opens Friday too!

Eric Ohlund
Yeah the whole continent thing might be a slight problem. But thank you! What show are you doing?

Blech, apparently the make-up department has decided that only super ridiculously strong water resistant make-up should be used, so I have to do it with tissue paper instead. What production are you doing right now?

Eric Ohlund
I don't understand the makeup business. But I'm doing the same one as Charli is, it's called Florence, David, and Art. It's about a group of American students who go to Italy to study art and they run into a lot of things when they're there. The opening is this Friday. It's my first high school show so I'm only in ensemble but it's still a lot of fun!!
Liked by: Eric Ohlund

Ah. I should have clarified that. It's part of my make-up for theater, I have lots of eyeliner and mascara to represent being an asylum seeker. Personally, I think I look more like a 80's rockstar who's sobered up and has moved to Finland, but hey, tomayto tomahto, right?

Eric Ohlund
Ohh okay I got you. I'm in theatre too so I definitely understand stage makeup. Not fun. But yeah I mean close enough, right? And honestly I have no idea how most girls deal with mascara. I get in the shower and let it all run down my face and then just wipe it off. It may not be the best way but it works for me. Makeup is such a pain though.
Liked by: Eric Ohlund

Sooo, I just spent a good half hour trying to get mascara off, how the hell do you female people deal with this on a day to day basis?

Eric Ohlund
Well before I answer that, I have a question for you. Why were you wearing mascara...?

What's one thing you refuse to pay for?

A BRA. literally i make my mom give me money to get them because really boobs are a natural thing i shouldn't have to pay like 50 bucks for literally just a boob holder. they should be free tbh because you can't control those things, they do what they want && it should just be expected that they come with life k


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