

what if i ask u politely to give me a little tour in caracas while i'm there for few days, would you like to do it? saludos..

Bad Clerk
Welcome to Caracas city! Please, hide all your stuff into your butthole so we can continue with this tour; done? it's your cellphone safe and deep? OKAY, LET'S GO. Give a look around: there's only nature, big hills and roads covered in autumn leaves. Beautiful, isn't? Well, now you start runnning, mothefucker, here comes the ghetto and they're gonna kick until you puke all your insides, man. But deep inside they're nice people, just a little bit frustrated since Petare isnt' the perfect neighborhood. The first thing you need to know so you survive this is: never look Yonaikel in the eye, and never look Yuribitzaida's ass, she'll get pregnant at the very first sight and the baby's gonna be yours even if you didn't do anything. So, let's move a little bit to the South; here you go, you are in the subway! Ooooosssssooooom, Ya' gonna love it, nigga. You will get pushed and probably you'll be robbed, just let it be, feel those bodies' warmth on your skin, the breath of that old man on your neck, somebody's dick upon your back, just feeeel it, feel the love, bro. But don't worry, usually the Police get to help you a few minutes later and ends the work, taking away the rest of your stuff and your papers. Now, breath, you're okay, man. This is just the beginning.
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Porque los adolescentes del primer mundo no se cuidan, básicamente.

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Yo no soy de izquierdas porque a diferencia de ti no doy por culo, Âżfeliz?

Comadre, dame 15 de tus mejores insultos AAAAAA.

A estas alturas debería doler más que una mentada de madre.

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Propicia el acoso y es denunciable.

Canta, por favor, dime algún remedio para que los hematomas se me quiten más rápido 🙏🏻. Mil gracias.

Depende de lo que lo haya causado. Ponte árnica encima y véndala por una noche.
La otra opciĂłn es que coloques una cataplasma de clavos de especias con aceite y la vendes, eso fomenta la circulaciĂłn y deberĂ­a aclararlo bastante segĂşn lo masajees. Luego mĂłjalo en agua helada.
Y no lleves sol, el sol empeora los moretones.

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Qué asco follar.

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Tu cabeza en vinagre serĂ­a una alternativa a todo eso.

Language: English