
lewis bolton

Ask @lewisbolton

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Talk to you again when I can be bothered to load ask or when I can remember my Facebook password, nice taking to you mate though

Aha fair enough see you mate nice talking to ya! :)
Liked by: u hav uno

Nah u already guess it mate, I'm a cool kid like you, us guys need to stick together but ill shut up considering that Evie or whatever her name is wanted me to shut up.....

Ahah thought you were!;) and ahaha never mind her!;) pop up or something?
Liked by: u hav uno

Yea, nah me aunty and cousin ride alot and go there alot, always take me there when we're down visiting. Nah your alright mate, just wait for you to guess and get it wrong?

Oh right fair enough! And so you're a boy?
Liked by: u hav uno

Haha your school must be very chilled. Nah not really a horsey person ngl, ridden before but not to keen

It is tbh.. Obviously if you go to the extreme they're gonna take the piss.. But oh right just know about the hand then?;) are you a boy or girl? Cause in guessing boy? But then not many boys have ridden.
Liked by: u hav uno

Omg auto correction I hate it!!! Right, I go to a gay school and if you go out with someone in a higher or lower year group then they take the mick and you're dead! (Sarcasm) yeah you wouldn't even know my school, I live hours away from the hand (I'm guessing u live near there anyway)

Oh right ahah! Yes We have year 11 girls going out with year 9 boys in iur school!:L but yes I do live near the hand are you a rider or something?;)
Liked by: u hav uno

A gay know, no-body cares about it if they're in the same year and then you date someone In a different year and BANG your dead....... Lucky people you are quite awhile away from you though, maybe a few hours....

I don't know if I'm being stupid but I didn't really get that? So they don't care if you're gay and in the same year? But the second you go for someone younger you're dead?:') and sorry what? You live hours away from me?
Liked by: u hav uno

Aha let's be honest who's gonna beat lewis up anyway?

Uhmm.. James curnock and lewis Hamlen for sure! And probably any other little mug that enjoys fighting! I am a big softie tbh.. I'm too whimpy to fight cause i know I'd probably embarrass myself by losing! Plus I'm the most off balance person ever so hit me and I'd fall over
Liked by: u hav uno

Lucky, we'd get beaten up if we did.....

Ahah you'd think they'd take the piss but they honestly don't care, they would have if it was last year but idk! Why what school do you go to?
Liked by: u hav uno

Wth your in like year 11? Why didn't you date someone in your year, surely your mates take the mick?

Yes I am, nah they all go for older boys and no they don't you get the odd one that does but none of them care
Liked by: u hav uno

Is it weird to think that when you turn 16 you can't have sex for at least 2 years if you stay with mollie?

Ermmm.... It's my birthday Monday!
Liked by: u hav uno

Have you ever tried dresage?

Nope! Wouldn't mind trying it though! Just don't think cash would be great at it, you never know

We can sit outside like Larry's then ;)

In the little cafe bit ruining all the little kids fun! So tempting as I've very envious of them as I never had the chance to enjoy action zone!>:)

You cannot change the rules of action zone that's mean:'((((( bully

I've not been allowed in since I was 5! They never let me in cause I was "too big and could seriously hurt the other little kids" so don't moan at me for the shitty action zone rules.. Not my problem
Liked by: Joe Ritchie

You're ask is so boring now, I used to love reading through it

I know dude don't really get asked much anymore. Probably cause it's normally mollie asking and she's been on holiday!

When you turn sixteen are you getting a moped?

Dunno wouldn't mind one but gotta be honest don't wanna pay for one and I'm probably too big!:/

Are you having a party?

For what? My birthday? Nah but I have to go to the old inn with everyone from the yard!-_-

Are you the dominant kind of guy or layed back?

I'm not exactly dominant.. Say I'd be the layed back one but I like to win and hate being bossed around


Language: English