
lewis bolton

Ask @lewisbolton

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Do you have any more pictures of you jumping or the jumps you've jumped?

Don't think I've got any on my iPad that I like?m, I will look.. But I have some on my home just can't upload. I will get someone to take pictures next time I jump, don't really have many pictures of me and cash in a lesson as it's normally only me and Veronica

If you've only had 5 falls that doesn't make you very good

Well tbh cash is pretty experienced so he doesn't look at much and will pretty much jump anything even if I get it wrong so it's pretty hard to fall off if he doesn't stop? Plus he's quite sturdy and not too agile so you can kind of tell if he's going to do something and he barely stops, and this is him refusing. Not exactly hard to stay on
Liked by: Sophie Wilcox

How have you progressed so much in a year? I remember when you first said you jumped 2ft and now youre jumping much bigger! You must have a few falls!

Aww thankyou! And yes same ahaha, who is this?:) and I've only fell off cash 5 times in a year!;) although one of them was on Saturday and I literally jumped off and landed on my feet ahaha! First time I've ever fell off cash at home!;) well gutted!

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That picture if you jumping an oxer looks bigger than 90-1m

This one? Yes I think it's around 1.05 1.10 not too sure but its definitely not 90 aha

What breed is your horse? And what height do you jump best?

Holsteiner, and I only compete at 3ft being the highest at the moment although in hoping to do 3"3 next time! But normally school around a 90-1m course at home although I've just started to do bigger as Saturday we did a 1.20 double and the rest was about 1m and the highest I've jumped him is 1.25-1.30

Yes except I don't think you were with the women with the red coat?

Yes I was just this photo was taken like last week!

if I went round and did a survey asking how many people from your school knew Lewis bolton, do you think there would be many?

First of all who is sad enough to go round and do a survey on "knows lewis bolton" everyone fucking knows LEWIS BOLTON!

why don't you think you and mollie will be serious?

I just said that when I was in a mood, and I said why further down

He obviously doesn't want to dump her so stop talking about it I'm sure he would make the right decision stop hassling him..

Thankyou. Well said

I'm sure she would

Yes I'm sure she would but why would I ask?... It's up to mollie whether she wanted me there or not and if she invited me I'm sure I'd go there one dat

No honestly.. Why won't her mum give you a lift?

Why would mollie want me there? I have to sort out cash, it's quite a king way and just ask mollie FFs

YOU WERE WEARING LONG SOCKS! i literally can't find anyone else who does that xD

Emily Carpenter
I do it all the time otherwise it rubs ahaha. A lot of people up our yard wear them under their boots and shit.. And they're good if you can't be assed to put chaps on


Emily Carpenter
Ahaha why? I have two pairs of chaps and normally ride in those! Aha. Absolute nightmare to find long boots in my size and to fit the length of my calf! Been looking for some for ages and the only pair I can find that fit are 400 and I'm not this enough for those yet!;)
Liked by: Emily Carpenter

Do you have a lot of respect for vegetarians?

Why would I have respect for them? They're still humans.. Just gotta be honest think half the stuff they eat looks pretty grim with all the risotto shit and soup :/


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