
lewis davies jones

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raped ashleigh pitchford, dutty mess!

Dutty mess? Have you heard yourself? Ewwewww me and ash are fine now...doubt she'd be fine with me if I'd raped her... AWKS

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Do you like your name?

No:( but it reminds me of family and family I've lost so I couldn't change it x

You do have an AMAZING cousin!! and she isn't that wierd! But she does have freaky friends

I don't know who your on about -.- do you have the wrong person?

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Hopefully living down in london, nice flat, good job, maybe police officer or something in the public fitness training area, snuggled up to annie every night<3

Do you think you have an amazing cousin who lives in Wem??

No not really... She's a bit weird and has freaky friends ;//

You did cheat and you know it! stop lying to annie! she can get sooo much better than a player.

How do you even know me? :S if you did you'd realise I'm not anything like that... If you think this then come off anon and say something? If not keep your vile ugly trap SHUT

How good is your eyesight?

Not good! I walk right past people in town sometimes I don't recognise them://

What do you most regret doing in the last year?

Getting close with this vile girl!!! Almost lost annie because of it!! Omfg!! I hate her tbh
Liked by: Courtney

Do you hate Brittany grace

She says she's my friend but she pops up like once every 3 or 4 months, so its a joke basically...

If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

Teleporty thingy... So I could go from mine to college/to town/annies/my bed...

Who was the last person you talked to?

Tom in person, but last message was too annie, telling her to have sweet dreams and ping to wake me up in the morning


Language: English