
lewis davies jones

Ask @lewisdaviesjones1996

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If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?

Steak house!! Mmmm STEAKKKKKK grills and burgers with chips!

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What did you last take photo of?

I was squeezing annies lips together in the busstation and I laughed so much I had to get a photo!! :/

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?


You used to fling elastic bands at me when i was in like yr4 and slept round heathers house. It was not cool.

Lmfao! Didn't know who you were till you put sleeping at heathers!! God that was funny!

What makes someone attractive?

Well for me that's probably their humor, if they can make me laugh till it hurts and I find something that connects us, then that's it, the more things we have in common, the more they can make me smile like a goon, the more I feel I can act myself around, means the more I find them attractive...

Who means the most to you? and why?

Well there's 3 main people to be honest, my dad, callum and annie... I look up to my dad and respect him so much even if he is a bit of a prick... Callum because he's literally my best mate, we laugh at stupid things that aren't even funny, we have such good banter, top lad... And then there's annie, well words are hard to explain what this girl means to me, she's just always there for me, we see each other everyday and I just love talking and messing around with her because she's one of the only people in the world I can act myself around, defiantly the only girl I can do that with, we have so many memories together and I can't imagine my life without her <3

Opinion on bethany fox?<3

She's so lovely, and she pops up and makes me smile if she thinks I'm upset... Just a really good friend! Shit at football though!;)

Who are your best friends?

I have a lot to be honest annie, callum are the two that probably are the closest to me, I wouldn't swap them for anyone <3
Liked by: Annie Naylor

What's the worst place you have ever been to?

Probablyyyyyyy my brothers room, because it stinks of a crank and sweat...

sherlock thats your nickname your not actually sherlcok... bless your little cotton socks;-)

I am!! Why else would that be my name?;)

fuck -_- but sherlock, me holmes doesnt want to suck dick, dick is disgusting..

Well sherlock is investigating some photographic evidence that says different ;) ;) ;)

What is one thing your parents allowed you to do that you would never let your kids do?

Not sure to be honest, it more like letting my kids do something that my parents didn't let me do...

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Megan fox or kim kardashian, and I'd take loads of naughty photos, and loads of videos of doing stuff, and send the to the real me ;) by email or something;)

sherlock thinks he a genius and sex icon, haha thats funny;D

Well if you were as smart as sherlock then you'd realise that it says "I am none of these things, but ask me stuff incase one day I am";) ssooooooo holmes can suck dick! ;)

What is your biggest fear or worry?

It used to be that I'd never find that one special girl, but I don't worry about that anymore, she's already in my life :3 <3
Liked by: Annie Naylor

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

People that eat meat have no problem eating it, till they realise and see for themselves the hundreds of living animals that die everyday in one slaughter house... Most people are happy eating meat when they don't know how the animal has died, if they did then they might not eat it as easily as they do when its plonked cooked on a plate infront of them

since when do you tell people what to do?

If your the same waster that's been giving MY friend chloe hate, then I'll do what I want.... Your pathetic, and should come off anon and prove your not scared of either of us...


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