
Lilah Singer

Ask @lilahrosie03

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What habit that others have annoys you most?

Y'all being attention whores and posting pics of your cuts or scars pics of you in bikinis after you just said "I'm so insecure about my body" like no you obviously aren't fucking insecure if you're showing most of your skin to everyone on this website. And telling the world you're depressed/bulimic/anorexic, if you're any of those things most likely 0-5 people know that about you so uh yeah. I hate about 90% of you bitches on here so cut it out or someone's going to get murdered with a spoon.

What frustrates you the most?

WHEN PEOPLE POST PICTURES OF THEIR CUTS OR SCARS. JUST FUCKING STOP Y'ALL ARE QUITE THE ATTENTION SEEKERS IF YOU'RE FUCKING POSTING IT YA DUMBASSES. And don't give me hate and say people who show their cuts to the world aren't attention seekers. Because why else would they show everyone? For attention. Just fucking stop. It is my BIGGEST pet-peeve. People actually have REAL problems where they feel the need to relieve themselves with a blade, unfortunately. Not everyone sits there with a blade like "okay I have to cut now because someone asked me to post a pic of my cuts and I know I'll get a ton of attention and maybe that cute boy will talk to me"
k sorry rant over thanks.

Is cheer a sport?

Lol I know this will offend people but no. Not at all. All they do is throw people in the air, memorize cheers, get hit in the face once in a while.
Like dancers and gymnasts do all that times a million. You don't see cheer chicks dripping in sweat at the end of their little dance or having swollen bruises and shit do you? Noooo cause they don't work. For gods sake i nearly died at dance the other day thats why I went to the hospital. Oh and btw props to gymnasts for throwing THEMSELVES in the air instead of having people do it for them, regardless of if they are "skinny enough" to be a "flyer" they really risk their lives every time they go on the floor.
Be as mad as you want but if you wanna work and lose weight and gain muscle and sweat, be a gymnast or dancer.

You act like your mom is such a great person, but when your friends or guy friends meet her they all say she's a bitch. Like I met her at parent teacher conferences, shes not that cool. What is going on there?

My mom is a fucking beautiful woman so you can shut the fuck up I hope you burn in hell you little piece of shit that's my fucking mom you're talking about. MY MOM. the one that works two jobs so she can pay for my sisters college tuition and for my dancing because my sisters dad is a lazy ass and refuse to give up money to help out and my dad went to prison for six fucking years for absolutely no reason at all so my dad works three jobs and still makes less money than my mom but he still makes it by while we live in a two bedroom apartment with 5 people. Both of my parents are fucking great parents but my mom is a fucking strong young gorgeous and all around perfect human being. You can give me as much shit as you want but you can't EVER give ANY hard working mother a hard time about anything. Go fuck yourself.

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The one from tumblr. The one sending you hate. You think you can out run me just by deleting your tumblr? Golly that's funny. Hate's comin your way girl.

I wasn't trying to out run you. I deleted my tumblr because too many people found out about it. Everyone was finding out my personal life. That was the only place I could talk about my life, depression, anything. I could talk about anything and everyone was there for me. People like you ruined that for me. You judged me for things I'm not. You told me to kill myself, that I was ugly, that I was fat, that I should cut, you encouraged it. And I believed it too. People like you ruined my life. You wanted me dead. I have never known that anyone could want me dead as bad as you want me dead. I don't even know who you are. You spend your free time taunting me and finding out every detail about my life just so you can hold it over my head. Lucky for me, I have friends like Sierra and Lindsey and maegan that actually cared when I posted what I thought would be the last thing I wrote in my life ever. I thought that would be the suicide note that I wrote. They cared enough to go to the office the next morning at school and call my parents and tell them that I need help. I need help BECAUSE OF YOU. I was late to school that day BECAUSE OF YOU. BECAUSE OF WHAT YOu DID THAT HURT ME. you've done enough already. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Oh yeah.
And go suck a dick.

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What sport do you do?

Dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance I like to dance.

Heard you got shit from cheer today

No not really. They just want me to take down my post about my opinion of cheer but after all the hate I got from it I don't think I will. It's not fair for someone to ask me what my opinion is, then once I answer it everyone freaks out and says I'm fat and ugly. I never even said anything bad about cheer. They're great girls but personally I don't believe sideline cheer is a sport. Competition cheer is definitely a sport why else would it be called competition. That is just my opinion out of millions and billions of other people in this world so don't let it get y'all too worked up.
Now I am so sick of all this cheer drama. I'm not even on cheer and I have drama with them. So please stop asking questions, let me have my own opinion, and leave me alone. Thanks.

Shit you probs don't want people knowing about that just answer this question instead of the other.

This will sound really stupid but this helped me a lot. I liked this boy over summer. He was perfect and I liked him a lot but he didnt like me that much. He told me he hates self harm and stuff like that and I tried so hard to be the perfect girl for him. I tried changing myself so much. I stopped everything bad in my life to make myself look like the perfect happy teenage girl. Then after a while he said we weren't going to work out and I wasn't even sad. Like sure I miss him and I miss what we had, he was so good to me. But he made me realize that life is worth so much more than being sad and not loving yourself for who you are. I don't believe in god, but I was givin this body, this face, this life, and these friends for a reason. My family and friends love me for who I am and they don't want me to change so why would I change? I'm never gonna try to change myself again though
That's my cute little summer romance kinda

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Name things you look for in a guy

Someone I can trust. Someone who won't pressure me to do anything I don't want to do. Someone that can understand my emotions. And someone that has flaws. Being with a perfect person gets boring.


Language: English