
Lilah Singer

Ask @lilahrosie03

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I'm not talking about the event that happened, I'm talking about that he faked all his feeling for her, just to get what he did. I'm just telling you this to warn you about that.

I don't know who asked this question but you were so right and I wish I would have listened to you lol

fav people in each hour?

Eh I kinda talk to everyone just because I'm pretty loud and annoying so I don't really have "favorite people"

When will the nutcracker cast list be posted?

There won't be a list, but you will get an email tomorrow or friday! You could text me if you have more questions? 2313570732
Liked by: Lex

Your really pretty and I want to talk to you but I'm too nervous and scared.

You're so sweet(: you don't have to tell me who you are but you should text me! I promise I don't bite. Don't be afraid to talk to me(: 2313570732

Would you date someone younger than you

Well yeah of course. I don't really think that age should play an important part in relationships.

Anyone your kinda feeling closer to?

I don't know. No one has really deliberately showed me that I can trust them yet. Of course I feel myself getting closer to the people around me every day. But before I jump into anything with anyone I would want them to tell me their feelings toward me and I would want to know that I can trust them(:
Liked by: Cam W.

Whos a good exampl of that

I don't know of anyone that has feelings for me so no one yet I guess. But that's okay, that person will come around sometime(:
Liked by: James Brumfield

Name things you look for in a guy

Someone I can trust. Someone who won't pressure me to do anything I don't want to do. Someone that can understand my emotions. And someone that has flaws. Being with a perfect person gets boring.

Truth is and we ahould? Texted maybe?

Uh if it was texted then people would have to message me their number but I guess if y'all are comfortable with that then sure...?
Liked by: Daisey Werve


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