
Lilah Singer

Ask @lilahrosie03

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Don't listen to that anon, I promise you're one of the fattest girls I've met. Keep puking <3

I don't give a fuck about you honestly. Just leave me alone.

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Why do you call yourself pudgy, you dance right? You're more active than most girls then!

I've always been pudgy. All I've ever seen is pudgy. People always say "it's all muscle, you're a dancer!" But a long as there are girls skinnier than me, I'll keep fighting to be skinnier. It's really just a big long story on my weight issues that I don't want to broadcast, personal... But if you wanna know then you can text me and I'll tell you :/ 2313570732

Just another person who wants you here. ❤️

Tc Love
Uh. You're really sweet but I'm not having that many suicidal thoughts anymore. So who is this

I honestly meant it. I wouldn't have sent it If I didn't. I've never seen you be mean to other. You stand up for what right and that makes you amazing!❤️

Tc Love
Who is this?

You're such a great girl and you do everything for others. I wish you the best! You deserve it! ❤️

Tc Love
I feel like you might have just sent this to everyone you know because I don't know a single person that would say this to me and actually mean it...
Thank you though

Do you prefer to answer questions or ask them?

I prefer to answer Sierra Parker's questions. I can ask questions too but Sierra is the only person I ask questions to anyway
Liked by: Sierra Parker

Which was the funniest proposal you got?

When Sierra asked me to hop on her dick. She got down on one knee, pulled out a Trojan deep ribs condom, and said "Lilah Rose Singer, would thou thrust thyself upon my large erect cock" so I did.
Liked by: Sierra Parker

Someone told me you have a dildo in your room. True or false?

Actually I have 24 vibrators. I use them each once a day, and every hour of the day the alarm on my phone goes off and it says "dildo time" and no matter where I am or what I'm doing I have to "stop, drop, and masturbate" (motto of my life). They're each a different color and length and they all penetrate me in a different way. I love every one of my dildos in they're own special way <3

Rachel has vented to me and honestly? A whole ago she said that she felt like when you wanted to hang out with someone she was last and it was like that about everything..? Her and I have kind of drifted and I was wondering what your side was

I don't understand the question? Why is rachel venting to you if you have drifted? And what are these "sides" you speak of? Like I said in the other ask. I don't take sides. I play Switzerland.

Opinion of Taylor Hill

Honestly I love her to death. It's hard to keep our friendship alive recently because I'm not her best friend anymore. It really bothers me a whole ton when people say things to me like "why are you friends with her" because she has a beautiful soul. She makes me smile when I cry and she knows everything about me. She was one of my first friends at west. She annoys me sometimes, but I'll always love her no matter what I say. But I switched schools because of bullying, we drifted apart and we kinda got replacements for each other. We still try to hang out but usually one of us is busy with our other friends. And thats completely fine because i love my friends and she loves her. I just hope she's happy and can be open with her other friends because that's what she needs right now.

Umm I think you asked me so I'm asking back. Opinion?

Honestly is wasn't me, and no, it wasn't my friends either. Don't know who asked that. But honest opinion?
I tried so hard to keep our friendship alive. I really tried hard and I don't know how you don't see that. You ended our friendship out of no where and it just seems immature. If we were going to be mature about ending our friendship we should at least be able to handle being around the same friends. When things like this happen in my life, I try to be as mature as possible with the situation. I try to never leave off on a bad note with people. I've probably only left off on a bad note with two people. One being someone that hates me at west and another being jackson. I don't see why you ended our friendship at all. I'm not immature enough to pick a side of this war between my friends and you. I tried so hard to play Switzerland through this and you went all hitler on me and just ended it. (Lol punch line). You literally ended it for no reason and it makes me feel like shit. Makes me feel like our friendship meant nothing to you. I tried hard to keep our friendship alive for the sake of our own team too. It's not like everyone on cheer and dance deserves to hear about our drama. I tried and you didn't.
So my opinion of you? I don't really have one. You've been the sweetest, funniest, nicest person ever at times, then others times you have been so crazy mean and rude to me and it's completely uncalled for. My opinion of you is very mixed and I'm not sure how to answer this question, hopefully this will be good enough.

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Liked by: nikita crowell

haha. u keep doing the random button to ask urself questions cuz no one will. XD

Hahahahahaha well yeah I get bored and ask myself questions and answer them with dumb answers.
So to answer your question, it's because of Sierra parker.
Liked by: Sierra Parker


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