
Lilah Singer

Ask @lilahrosie03

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Whoever said that about your mom is wrong! I've had her for a teacher since I was little! She is amazing. I would come off Anon but I know you don't like me. Aha

I probably don't hate you or anything. Probably just like to screw around with you. Especially if you're one of my dancer chicks:)

You don't have scars on your sides or your wrists...

I have two on my wrist not from self harm and a few on my sides not from self harm. Don't freak bro.
Liked by: Sylvia Knudson

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I don't mean cutting. Just any scars.

Haha uhhhh I have one on my boob and on my arm and on my back from shingles, I have two on my wrist, I have really really really faint scars on my sides, and I have two big scratches on my leg from sierras dog, another scar from dance on my leg, and another on my leg from jackson throwing a pop can at me a few years back. Sooooo yay

Who do you like

Hmm. I like two guys. I don't know if I should say though I feel like it'll cause drama because I don't think they like me back...

What question...? Who do you think this is lol

I mean I'd rather not say but I guess it does depend on who this is. I've been a bitch to about everyone this month and it's only the sixth. Who is this?

You act like your mom is such a great person, but when your friends or guy friends meet her they all say she's a bitch. Like I met her at parent teacher conferences, shes not that cool. What is going on there?

My mom is a fucking beautiful woman so you can shut the fuck up I hope you burn in hell you little piece of shit that's my fucking mom you're talking about. MY MOM. the one that works two jobs so she can pay for my sisters college tuition and for my dancing because my sisters dad is a lazy ass and refuse to give up money to help out and my dad went to prison for six fucking years for absolutely no reason at all so my dad works three jobs and still makes less money than my mom but he still makes it by while we live in a two bedroom apartment with 5 people. Both of my parents are fucking great parents but my mom is a fucking strong young gorgeous and all around perfect human being. You can give me as much shit as you want but you can't EVER give ANY hard working mother a hard time about anything. Go fuck yourself.

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Where is the most fun place you have ever been?

Australia, New York City, or Los Angeles. I'll never be able to decide.

I don't know a single guy that hasn't got a blow job from you

That's funny because I've never had a dick in mouth...? Thx bb cum again soon.

Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie

Oh. I mean not really but that's okay. Whatever tickles your peach bro.

What is your idea of paradise?

Where there are people that have a penis that find me attractive. That would be a swaggin place.

What was the last thing you made with your own hands?

A dildo for Sierra parker
....that's not a joke either.... I actually did that with Lindsey. Lol.
Liked by: Sierra Parker

I don't think you remember me but we dated a while back. You were my first kiss. And I've been crazy about you ever since then. And I don't know how to talk to you because I'm pretty sure you hate me.

....ahhhhh I really don't know what to say.... Come off anon or something? I only really hate two guys but that's because they completely fucked me over. And I'm positive they aren't you.

Lilah! I don't know you that well, but I just want to say you are absolutely GORGEOUS, & a great dancer!

Hah thanks skylar:)
Liked by: Sky


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