
Lilah Singer

Ask @lilahrosie03

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You're answers are actually really nasty like I am pretty sure you're lesbo

I'm 100% straight but that's okay. You do what you do bro ✌

It's Scott! How you no remember me from her class?

Oh haha hi Scotty. I kinda forgot that whole class because I was a little faggot in seventh grade

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I was in cooking with mrs Walters and you, walker, and me alwaysssss cooked together. Who's am I?

Jake? Idk. Walker and I were flirt city so I don't remember anyone but him.

Do your breasts hang low, do they wobble to thy ground? Can you tie thou in thy knot, can you tie thou in thy bow?

Yes. Yes I can. They wobble very very low towards thy ground.

Insult: sometimes like the whole time that I've known you I've gotten mixed signals. Idek

Who is this?

Honestly, I think if you post to an entire website, you're just asking for attention or more hate. It's like they need to have a reason to keep doing it. I mean no offense to some people I know who have done it once, but they did it to shut people the fuck up. But people who openly do it are asshats

Uh. I'm not quite sure if you're siding with me or not. But just in case, thanks.
Liked by: Sierra Parker

Like, do people not realize that when you actually have depression and other serious problems, that you don't talk about it?

Like I understand telling your boyfriend or you're inside group of friends. But telling an entire website? Fucking dumb.
Liked by: Sierra Parker

What frustrates you the most?

WHEN PEOPLE POST PICTURES OF THEIR CUTS OR SCARS. JUST FUCKING STOP Y'ALL ARE QUITE THE ATTENTION SEEKERS IF YOU'RE FUCKING POSTING IT YA DUMBASSES. And don't give me hate and say people who show their cuts to the world aren't attention seekers. Because why else would they show everyone? For attention. Just fucking stop. It is my BIGGEST pet-peeve. People actually have REAL problems where they feel the need to relieve themselves with a blade, unfortunately. Not everyone sits there with a blade like "okay I have to cut now because someone asked me to post a pic of my cuts and I know I'll get a ton of attention and maybe that cute boy will talk to me"
k sorry rant over thanks.

Sierra a bad friend

Well. She's actually probably the best friend I have ever had. Ever. Her and Lindsey and Maegan are the three people I could never live without and I love them so much. We know a lot of people hate us because we're annoying and bitchy and shit, but we don't really care because we are probably the closest out of any group of best friends. So uh. Whoever you are I hate you. And yo pussy probably stank.
Liked by: Sierra Parker

Do you miss your old best friend?

I miss the memories but not the person. We had a great friendship up until a month before it ended. It got way too rocky, but obviously we both have new friends that treat us better.
Liked by: Sierra Parker

Okay we're going down at 10-4

You and Olivia? I might be able to see you for an hour or two. I really have to catch up with dance. Plus I need to get into shape because I gained a few pounds

For the record Lauren didn't show me bastille l o l

Lindsey Allen
I know right? Like honestly no one cares. It's a damn band and I'm gonna listen to whatever the fuck I want. So.


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