
Julien Washington

Latest answers from Julien Washington

Why am I still hurt and crying my eyes out for her and she doesn’t even care I’m alive

Cause you are a simp

Have u ever made a decision to do something u really didnt want to do And as u figured it wasnt the right thing to do But things got so bad with this decision u cant even think about stopping what u started so u just say fuck it and let the one person u love be destroyed? Is that Pride?

Naw , it’s just the calm before the storm gets easy to see better days

everything bad that's happening to you right now, it's partially your fault. there's this thing called karma.

Yea for having ppl that didn’t deserve to be around in the 1st place

As for the guy that truly showed me he cared, it can never be, and I sadly let you go. Thanks for getting me one step closer to someone worth something real.

I’m happy you settled for your delusion

What really has made you get over someone you really loved? I feel like the “they weren’t worth it” talk hasn’t really worked for me at all.

Just gettin over that they aren’t right with themselves to be wit

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