
Lisa van der Westhuizen

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Tbh- You're absolutely adorable!! I've told you a lot about myself and I love how close we got so fast! You're gorgeous, hilarious and trustworthy ❤

Awe thank you Tawni :) ❤️ trust is one of my main values! I'm glad you think so :) :) love Ya girl ❤️

Tbh- Lisa I hate the fact that you liked this. Any ways you are really awesome and cool! We need to hang out again soon. You're a totally babe:) see you in Hell tomorrow. Shall be a grand time. Love ya ❤️

Samantha Utas
Yes lady lets hang again! :) and thank you! Haha ya little stunner ;) :* ❤️
Liked by: Samantha Utas

LISSAAA remember when in the summer you almost made me die buy choking on water. Hahahahhahahha Or when I asked if you were sick :') haha you little bugger said no :(

HAHAHAHA girl I just said something funny, you did the choking all by yourself :') and messing with you is hilarious in a way of its own hahahahaah ❤️

the cute Connor as in Archibald? That boy is handsome as fuuuuck.

Awe sadly not who I was talking about, that boy wasn't there ✌️

Tbh: RISSAA i intend on using my whole space for you bb. theres so much to say. Youre one of my bestfriends & I love you soo much. I know I can tell you anything & you wont judge :') From screaming about parties to our great snapchats ;) im so glad youre in my life & couldnt imagine it without you!

Emily Lehr
LOOVE YOU BBG!!!<3 <3 so much!!! its never a dull moment with you :')
Liked by: Emily Lehr

FRANNCCCIII ❤❤❤ you are such a beautiful person inside and out. I'm happy to have a best friend like you. you've got me through some pretty brutal stuff, but no matter what I tell you, you've never judged me. love you to death. your a blast in a glass never change ❤ loveee you :)

That was 100% beautiful and I love you :') ❤️❤️
Liked by: Mallory Patricia

Wheres the party at for tomorrow?

Umm, text your friends instead of asking anonymously! Don't want randoms showing up!

Tbh: LISA!!! You're kinda the best! I'm so jealous of you! haha. You are so gorgeous, your personality is out of the world and you're so kind! Ever since you started swimming we've started to become closer, which I love by the way! Hope you have a great new year!

Nesha Soosay
Awe thanks neshaaaaa :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope yours goes well too! :)

Tbh: you're so sweet and gorgeous! You are hilarious and your hair is always perfect. You are literally the cutest girl ever with your little hands :") lunch sometime after Christmas break?

Dominique66’s Profile PhotoDominique Morel
Awe thank youu :') hahaha and for sure girl! :) send me your number!

Tbh- I want your hair or want to know whatever it is your doing to make it grow so long and be so healthy! Like seriously! Your so funny and your laugh makes my day sometimes cause it's obnoxious in a good way hahaha. Your crazy super smart and I'm jealous! hilarious when your drunk and super nice!

Awe thanks Amy :) ❤️ You really covered everything! that effort :') and for my hair... There's a number of things that I do xD I'll fill ya in sometime! But your hair has been looking great lately too! :)
Liked by: Amy

Remember when we met up at Callaway park and waited like 4 hours In line for the log right, and we ended up buying the picture because we all look dumb

jaydenhag66’s Profile PhotoJayden Hagemann
YES HAHAHAHAHAHA that picture is definitely on a wall in my house!!! LMAO that's actually so good :')
Liked by: Jayden Hagemann

favorite gift you received last year?

Being able to spend Christmas with my cousins!! :) I love them more than anything and I only see them once a year! Or less :(

Tbh: you're probably one of my best girl friends! It seems like I've know you forever but it's really only been two years! We've had some pretty good times! :) Best memory: it's pretty gay but when we did the 50 minutes run side by side and had a really good talk! Haha :)

Awwwwe Braeden!!! :') I forgot about that!!! That was good!! And yeah it definitely does feel a lot longer than two years!! Grad's gonna be a great time!! :)
Liked by: Korch

Tbh, you are incredibly stunning! I don't know you that well, but Stef says your awesome. We don't really have any great memories together, so we should totally make one sometime in the future :) see you around!

Thanks girl!! :) and I'm sure we'll get to know each other better! :)

Tbh Lisa you are one of the most natural beautiful girls in our school! You are so sweet and your hair is always on point! You have some pretty nice style too! You're super funny and we need to go for lunch sometime!! :)

Awe thanks girl! :) and yes for sure! :) in the new year!

Tbh- lisaaaa you are such a sweet girl! But we don't talk to much which is sad, we have had some good times! And you are also really good looking text me sometime

jaydenhag66’s Profile PhotoJayden Hagemann
Thanks Jaydeeen :) and we're for sure doing lunch in the new year!!! Hahaha what's yo numbah?
Liked by: Jayden Hagemann

tbh|| well, you're probably the sweetest girl I know! You're always smiling and laughing and I just love it! You're absolutely gorgeous and your snapchats make my day :') can't wait to continue to get to know ya!! :) best memory~ our lunch date :) we talked about some pretty crazy things :')

Awe thank youuu! It's a pleasure to be a happy person :) and oh yeah! Haha some crazy people too... :')
Liked by: Jaden Sandin

What is better the truth even if it hurts, or a lie?

TRUUUUTH because it might suck but you'd be amazed at how quickly life gets better when you get rid of shitty shit, and the truth makes that possible hahah
Liked by: Mallory Patricia

Tbh: LISSSSAAAA!!!!<3 <3 I honestly love you! You always seem to put me in a good mood, which I love! You always have a amazing smile that just makes my day! You are so gorgeous, and have the most amazing personality! I love long time! :*

Nesha Soosay
Awwwe thanks bbggggg ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ :) :) :*
Liked by: Nesha Soosay

What would you change in this World?

The kinds of atrocious things girls do for guys/to get a guy/to make themselves seem more appealing to the opposite sex. Do what YOU want, for YOURSELF, because how are people genuinely going to like you if you're not being genuine yourself? What's gonna happen if you suddenly stop doing those things? If he's attracted to the you that rolls over and does what HE wants, or the you that takes part in things you normally wouldn't because you think that makes you more desirable, then you're going to get your ass dumped. Respect yourself and be real first and foremost, and if the guy you want doesn't like you for NOT doing those things, then he can go fuck himself. :) you don't need that kind of negativity honey ✌️


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