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Uxamauaabid’s Profile Photo raafhasasna’s Profile Photo

Latest answers from unknown

Likers get dp and bg rate out of 10 with emoji? 1/10: Nahhh 😣 2/10: K 😒 3/10: Ok 😁 4/10: good 😌 5/10: Good looking ☺️ 6/10: Cute 😊 7/10: Handsome 💞 8/10: Hott 😍 9/10: Flawless 😍❤️ 10/10: Baee 😍😍💞

Okay. 😊

"That speechless moment when…"

hammadsatti’s Profile PhotoHammad Satti
When someone don't even have this much self respect that you've been hating and ignoring that one person and still he comes after you! And surely that person knows it well bout whom I'm talking.

A short TBH for me! XD🌸

muhammadana’s Profile PhotoMUHAMMAD ANAS
Tbh Fellow,
Your eyes are Ma Sha Allah more than perfect n so u are :)
Tho I don't know much but I really found you a very sweet and humble person
Ur blessed with not only a good personality also the inner beauty.
Stay same🌸
Stay happy and blessed 😊

your relationship goals? 🚵

amarwalikhan’s Profile PhotoGeeleeto™
We will be team💕. We will balance each other out💑.Bad day? I promise u a better night I'll keep u motivated & at top 😘👫.
AND THIS⬇ *_* ^_^

What scares you more than anything?

SGDSAADI’s Profile PhotoSAAD.
Nothing will remain the same
Time is divided into two part
Before this, After this!!
So when tomorrow will start without us
No one will remember us
Today we think how well we are
No! Your just making urself fool!
Soon you'll be beneath the earth and this world will walk on u
You'll be dust !!
None of your beloved ones will help you out
There your soul will stand alone
So your being a wrongdoer for those
Who are just temporary piece of art !! :')

Pap quote

muhammbay’s Profile PhotoSaad
She is water
Powerful enough to drown you
Soft enough to cleanse you
Deep enough to save you
And when he listens Her
He slowly unlocks her virgin soul

Its part of my writting :') a year back

Language: English