
❤ mashetato ❤

Ask @lokeva

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How many languages can you speak? C:

Fluently: Portuguese, English, Serbian, Croatian
So-So: Spanish, Italian
I'm pretty bad with languages tho... I speak 3 languages daily and tend to mix them up a lot ;;
Liked by: Kim Mazyck Sameco1

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

Asides from the ones I know, Russian, Chinese and Swedish/Danish

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You have the chance to meet any 3 historical figures and have supper with them, who would you choose to meet and why?

Lonewanderer111’s Profile PhotoLonewanderer111
1- Nikola Tesla (Because electricity and he seemed to be a really funny man)
2- Oscar Wilde (Because he was a genius and I really love some of his works)
3- Leonardo Da Vinci (Because he was homo af and he had some awesome ideas that he didn't bring out of the paper and I'd like to know why)
Liked by: Mia-chan

What is your least favourite cosplay? And what is your favourite?

20 years late to answer this, but here I go...
Least favorite has to be Sanzo or maybe even Shizuo. Despite them being two of my favorite characters, I feel like I cannot pull them off at all ;3;
Favorite is probably Yukako and Gintoki? Yukako makes me feel pretty in that wig and all. As for Gintoki... I like spiky wigs on me and I love Gintoki uvu
Liked by: Mia-chan

Opinion about those persons who likes to spoiler the t.v. series/books/movies/animes/video games/etc. you like/are interested in, but you haven't seen it yet?

I don't really care for spoilers??
Liked by: Kelly

Mashetato-san, you once did a Byakuran cosplay... Didn't you? :'< I was trying to find the photo on your deviantArt account but I haven't found it ( ;---; )... May I ask if you still have it? And also, can you please tell me what kind of model of wig you used? Thank you very much for your time :')

The photo's older than me :'D I didn't even style the wig... it was just a random Byakuran wig from eBay. I dont know where to find a new one, but this wig had the hair sewn differenly, so it's super spiky and you had a lot of volume on top.
Currently the wig is used for Haine from DOGS and Clear from DMMD XD
Mashetatosan you once did a Byakuran cosplay Didnt you  I was trying to find the
Liked by: João Silva

You can have food for free for the rest of your life from one fast food joint, however the catch is that you are only allowed to eat that brand of fast food and nothing else. What would you pick?

Lonewanderer111’s Profile PhotoLonewanderer111
I dont know if Kebab is counted as fast food but I love Ali Kebab

if you had the opportunity to go live on a farm would move away from the city? (The farm in question is very secluded and a good 2 hours drive away from a little hick town, however it is also very profitable and you have OKish internet)

Lonewanderer111’s Profile PhotoLonewanderer111
I already live in a place like that :'D

I really have to ask. What is your opinion about Izaya Orihara? [like, everything about him]

Oddly, I dislike the character itself...
Izaya is not the guy I'd like to meet in real life and he's definitely not someone I can ship with Shizuo. Shizuo is a guy who dislikes Izaya and he doesn't like violence, so when it comes to shipping, I prefer Shizuo with someone calmer, like Dotachin (specially because they admire eachother a lot and it's so cute >v<)
Back to Izaya... I see him as a sociopath, who sees amusement in chaos and who can show his lunatic smile whenever he sees violence. I don't think he's violent, but he seems like someone who enjoys seeing violence before his eyes. He seems to be a guy who'd easily trick you into commiting a crime and he seems to be able of manipulating you and pushing you to the edge.
He's a terrifying character and he's persistent, which makes it even worse. He doesn't give up when it comes to chaos and he doesn't intend to give up at all.
Strangely, he said he's like that because of his sisters. He was normal when he was younger, I suppose...
Either way, he's not someone I'd like to mess with or like as a character because of his hecked up personality...
I admire how the author described him in the novels and how he was able to keep writing about Izaya same way until the end without getting out of character or something. I admire Narita for coming up with such a big variety of characters and for creating someone as sadistic as Izaya, but, really... I can't with him.
Maybe it's because I've read the novels and got to see all sides of him, which made me dislike him. I was very into him when anime first aired, but then I switched to Shizuo.
Izaya is just too complicated and doesn't seem to have any humanity in him - which makes him easy to dislike and hard to see him having friends or liking someone. Even when it comes to sexual life, he's described as someone who doesn't care for that...
This prolly sounds all so confusing, but in the end, he seems just too... inhuman for my own taste ;3; I admire the ability for him being created, but I just cannot like him as a character at all...

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Liked by: Sameco1

Out of all fictional characters, name 5 that you absolutely love

Son Goku (Saiyuki), Nicolas Brown (Gangsta.), Worick Arcangelo (Gangsta.), Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara) and Nero (Devil May Cry 4)
The list could be longer, but these are my top 5 so far :'D
Liked by: Sameco1

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Despite loving how beautiful vampires are always described, I think I'd much rather be a bara wolf maybe even a mix of both 8)
Liked by: Michael Warming

Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

yes because I digged Windi the moment I saw her

Do you know a place where I can read the newest Gangsta chapters? I heard that there were 41 chapters released but I can only find until the 37th chapter... [sorry for my english]

Gangsta. has been licensed and is being translated really slow... I started buying manga because of it. Bought manga has different translation from the online manga. I read both and the story is quite different ;; online manga has a lot of things that make no sense...
aaaaanyway, the latest Gangsta chapters will be out prolly when the manga gets out on Japan or something. Currently it's on volume 7 of Gangsta. and volume 1 of Cursed. (Marco's side story). In english it's on volume 6 and it's all online (badly translated tho)... volume 7 just came out so I guess we gotta wait a little... ;;
Liked by: Sameco1 Sandra

Are you allergic to anything?

not really but I do get a lot of breakouts when it comes to face creams?? idk if it counts

What car do you own right now? What color is it? Do you like your vehicle? If you could have any vehicle what would you want?

Lonewanderer111’s Profile PhotoLonewanderer111
I actually own a very old model of Opel Corsa haha
I'm broke to buy a new one

What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

With @Windicos
Stayed up until 4am? talking about the usual gay stuff

What draws you to Anime and cosplay? When did you discover your love for both? Do you feel judged by society (specially in SA) for your love of these things?

Lonewanderer111’s Profile PhotoLonewanderer111
I dont know what SA is but I loved anime since I was a kid
but what keeps me cosplaying are my friends. without their support and motivation I'd not cosplay at all

Do you still have your SnK cosplay? I heard that you were selling it?

I sold it as soon as I posted it

What was it your first cosplay? Do you own a photo of it? (Insert it, please! *-* ) Could you please tell how was your experience at it? I'm nervous because I'm having my first convention with cosplay tomorrow and I can't sleep because the excitement and afraid both together ;n; Greetings! ~ ♡

My first cosplay was Shizuo Heiwajima and Hibari Kyoya back in 2011... sadly I don't have photos of them but they were bought in local stores and were a size or two bigger.
I didn't wear makeup asides of foundation (maybe not even that)...
It wasn't perfect cosplay, but considering how friendly my groups were, it was worth giving it a try!
First costume I ever made from scratch was an original Dave Strider and it was terrible, but our photos came out great and many cosplayers began using my costume as a reference to theirs and a lot of fanart of it came out so I was really happy! Even today I come across it on tumblr, instagram and facebook :)

Que raio, o hitokiri nao faz nada e vai aos eventos com mania que manda e é alguém, e sempre de borla. Que achas disso? Tambem achas ue el é inutil nos eventos e a ocupar espaço a quem trabalha a serio?

Que raio o hitokiri nao faz nada e vai aos eventos com mania que manda e é
Liked by: Marta Mia-chan

O que achas das pessoas que dizem "Leio mangas underground" ou "Faço cosplays de personagens dos mangas underground?"

underground? isso existe? XD sao os mangas do deep web ou que?
tbh nao acho q existam mangas underground. e
xistem é pessoas com gostos diferentes.
so por um manga nao ser popular nao significa que ninguem o le <<
é so atencao pah much attention?

u said many timed u don't want to be called senpai. why?

Because senpai creates a distance between person and I. And it feels like they are putting me up too high, as their superior.
I do not think the people in cosplay can be superior to other. They may have better skills, but that doesn't make them superior in any way...
I'd much rather be friends with someone than be their senpai and talk to them once in a lifetime.
u said many timed u dont want to be called senpai why

Is there any cosplayer you dislike?

Not at all.
There are many cosplayers I don't get along with because I do not agree with their attitudes or I'm too shy to approach them, but I do not dislike any of them.
If I can't get along with someone, I'll easily back off and move on with my life. I'm not the type of person who will hold a grudge against someone for life and block them everywhere on social media and ignore them in real life.
I'll greet the people I dont get along with, I might even check their work and comment honestly on it, but it's a huge waste of time to go around hating on that person... I just go from liking someone to being indifferent towards them :v
In fact, I once argued with a person I couldn't get along with and we didn't talk for months, but we still greet eachother politely on conventions and move on with our lives. We used to be friends but we aren't due different life choices and opinions, but no one of us holds a grudge against eachother.

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Anda tudo chateado coma jornalista da TVI por ter dito otacú, mas nnãocompreendo porque ainda ninguém fez rage com a Ana Santos, Pseudo produtora de eventos(lol), por ter dito Kawái, quando se diz kawaí. Cabeça oca much?

Anda tudo chateado coma jornalista da TVI por ter dito otacú mas nnãocompreendo

Do you think a person who wants to be cosplayer, can't be one because isn't able to wear color contact lenses because her/his eyes are too sensitive for it?

Of course I don't think that! Anyone can be a cosplayer! Lenses are just an accessory and not everyone can own/wear it. Personally, I own many lenses but I can wear them for 4h at most, sometimes less because of my eye sensitivity. I never wear my lenses to conventions because I don't want to face the risk of getting my eyes damaged. Whoever told you that you're not a cosplayer if you don't wear lenses then keep that person out of your life. A cosplayer is anyone who has fun dressing up as a character, lenses or not, wig or not, costume or not, as long as you have fun then it's a cosplay and anyone can do it as they want. ♥

Name three things you think shouldn't exist in the world.

Acne </3 tests and payments for education.

Is it normal that my eyes have got too much irritated at my first try on circule lenses? They were literally too red and I couldn't hold the pain of having the lenses on... How was it your first time with contact lenses?

I dont think this has anything to do with first time wearing lenses becaise lenses may be damaged itself. However, maybe you didnt wash the lenses properly.
You need to let the lenses soak in clean lens case with clean lens liquid for at least 8h. Some lenses may be very dirty so you might want to purchase a disinfecting lens liquid and soak them in it. Please check with an eye doctor. maybe your eyes cant stand lenses...
I had that issue when I wore dirty lenses and when I received damaged lenses. one lens actually burns my eye
Liked by: Mia-chan

Se for como no ano passado, ninguem vai para o porto competir, como no ano passado

nunca se sabe. eu era para participar no ano da Leo e de Manon para ser sincera mas nao pude devido a minha idade e exames...
mas lembro-me que havia imensa gente interessada em participar depois do concurso :)veremos


Language: English