
❤ mashetato ❤

Latest answers from ❤ mashetato ❤

How many languages can you speak? C:

Fluently: Portuguese, English, Serbian, Croatian
So-So: Spanish, Italian
I'm pretty bad with languages tho... I speak 3 languages daily and tend to mix them up a lot ;;

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

Asides from the ones I know, Russian, Chinese and Swedish/Danish

You have the chance to meet any 3 historical figures and have supper with them, who would you choose to meet and why?

Lonewanderer111’s Profile PhotoLonewanderer111
1- Nikola Tesla (Because electricity and he seemed to be a really funny man)
2- Oscar Wilde (Because he was a genius and I really love some of his works)
3- Leonardo Da Vinci (Because he was homo af and he had some awesome ideas that he didn't bring out of the paper and I'd like to know why)

What is your least favourite cosplay? And what is your favourite?

20 years late to answer this, but here I go...
Least favorite has to be Sanzo or maybe even Shizuo. Despite them being two of my favorite characters, I feel like I cannot pull them off at all ;3;
Favorite is probably Yukako and Gintoki? Yukako makes me feel pretty in that wig and all. As for Gintoki... I like spiky wigs on me and I love Gintoki uvu

Language: English