Latest answers from yyaaa;

Why is the sky blue?

because when it turn black that's mean it's night and we need to sleep yass

Would you rather go to a music festival, have fun and sleep in a tent, or stay home, watch TV series and have some tasty snacks?

if you mean by that music festival is justin bieber concert or to meet collins family so yass. bae always on top of everything doh πŸ˜‚πŸ™Š

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first β€” eat, nap, or shower?

dont you think take a nap is the best πŸ™†πŸ». haha

What’s one fashion trend you hope to never see again?

huhuhuh, that's soo ugly tho 😩😩

describe her >>>>

husna sabri is a clever girl malaysia . HAHAHAHAHAHAHA . not so tall but doesn't mean she's short , skinny and has more than one mouth . lol . tbvh , fisttime kenal ofcourse la form one tapi aku tak ingat bila firsttime aku borak dengan dia tanpa rasa awkward . huhu . i like sembang dengan dia yg aku tak pasti hapa benda yg aku nk cakap sbb alhamdulillah dia org yg sabar dan akan dengar je apa yg aku nak merepek tu . kehkeh . bila belajar aku suka tengok buku dia , baca jawapan dia dan kadang tu sbb nak copy or cari inspiration kononnya . haha .
dulu aku pernah mimpi dia , time tu dia tidur kat dorm dia n aku kejutkan dia sbb aku nk pergi mana ntah tapi dia tak bangun . kat luar dorm tu , masyi jerit suruh aku cepat . last attempt , aku gegarkan badan dia tapi dia tidur mati . hahahaha . aku pun keluar dgn perasaan berat hatinya kejar masyi yg dh tinggalkan aku tu .
esoknya , belajar macam biasa tibatiba anis safira kata mak aku datang nak jumpa . terkejut lawak apa dia hadapkan kat akh ni . rupanya memang betul mom dh ada kat luar . patutla aku tak sedap hati dengan mimpi tu . huhu . masyi tu pun mmg betulbetul dh tinggalkan aku jauh ke pahang . huhu πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜”

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Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

my ears always don't get it right . i may giveup to stay focused on what people gonna say πŸ’

Language: English