Ask @luisc_1

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What's on the top of your birthday wish list?

It's coming up soon ❤️lmao and to be surprised I guess?(x I already have what I want sorta.

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Our best moment was probably either when we lost our volleyball game and you comforted me cause then I knew you were a true friend or whenever we joke around and tease each other. The time we went bowling also(: lol

Omfg(,x I'm so surprised you remember that! And lmfao and yeah bowling was fun(x when you slipped xP
Liked by: Joselyn

Best moment: OMG we have so many memories ❤️❤️ I can't pick one. Hm. One memory I can't get out of my head. We were in the car. Me you and my mom. And we had one of the most sincere talks ever and you started crying and I started crying and then we laughed. I love moments like those.

Liked by: Joselyn

Your best quality is that you act so white but you ain't even white xD but naw the best quality is that you care about people believe it or not but yes Luis does care about some people c: oh an that he buys you Starbucks!❤️

Lmfao(x do I really seem that evil and selfish? /.< but aww thanks Naomi(:


Love you too ;*
Liked by: Ahmed you usually bring huge amounts of water to class? I mean that one day though :P

Omfg (x forget about it >.<

We will talk here on ask. I hope u know who this is. Do not answer this

Lol nah I don't know who this is cx

Advice to those who are heartbroken?

Honey grow up. Don't cry over him or her. They lost someone who truly loved them. If they avoid you then move on. It's not your lost tbh. In the future you will find a special someone. It's not the right time. With every tear forget him or her. Just know someone out there does love you. You aren't alone.
Liked by: Gossip Girl Alyesco


White girl /.\ Alis you are just perfect. Lol. You make my go crazy /.< ahaha I'm glad we got closer this year frfr. I'm sorry that I piss you off etc but c'mon it's me cx ahaha you are always trying to hurt me when I touch you xP lol I'm glad that you always heard all my bs and that. You are a really great friend for that. I'm just glad that this year I'm leaving Bateman knowing that I met someone that didn't judge me but accepted me. Left knowing ic. Rested a small impact and help in your life and someone else's. My gift for you will be the last of gifts someone will receive from me.

Who are those 2 guys from Northside University that jos tlked about...

I'm not in a mood anon. Don't worry who they were. You need to take a step back and go crawling to anonville. Gtfo and stop being nosy. I'm nosy but not as nosy as a anon like you.

You should also get me Starbucks... Just a though xP

Lol cx when it gets warmer I will(x I'm already becoming broke /.- lol
Liked by: Joselyn

Quote alis

You is ugly
I'm kill you Luis
You are dumb
Classic whit boy my ass
Bitch no
Stop it cx

That 22 year old from Roosevelt. "I'm gonna tell Father Tito on you guys" LMAO! I will never forget that (x

Lmfao xD thst was some crazy ass girl!! She was like omfg crazy. I felt bad but I kept laughing cuz of you >.< thank god Manuel wasn't there or she would of gone to the extreme and get a heart attack xD lmfao
Liked by: Joselyn Jocelyn_28

What are your thoughts on me?

This is someone you have to meet. This person has just omfg pushed me to my limits to make me stronger. She never lied to me but told me things straight up. She isn't afraid. Tamara is Tamara. I can't describe lmfao(x I just know that you can trust her and everything. She will be there for you. I'm glad she hears all my bs and drama(,: lmao yess I knoe I'm a triffling bitch(; ahaha Tammy is just herself. I cannot meet another Tammy like her. She is ugh I can't described her /.- I never thought I be this close to Tamara and a lot of other people but I am(: I'm glad I got to know this girl. Tamara is my BBB(; Lmfao xD you are such a great friend. I swear Tamara you can piss me off but I'll always forgive you. You are my weakness now like Another person /.- I am just sooo glad your for real with me cx thank you booboo(x my thoughts are wayy longer and will make you cry but that's for another time(: happy?(x

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Why do you think we dream?

We dream to escape this world. Our dream helps relieve some stress and show us kt have hope. Maybe one day the dream you keep having becomes true. Some of my dreams and becoming true already(: this gives me
Hope to keep going forth.


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