Ask @luisc_1

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truth is - boy you piss the fuck out of me c': -your stupid /.- -you is stubborn to you dont listen mijo! - okay...well you can be caring(: - you can be nice too& funny - your a good friend when you want to (: -you a trifflin bitch c; you know I love you and you still owe me starbucks hoe!

Lmfao(x this is sooo true(: lol

Funniest moment of the day?

When someone fell(x *afterschool* ahaha lmao ain't my fault ya clumsy cx lol be happy I helped you up xD
Liked by: Joselyn

My thoughts on you. Aha classic white boy.... < you wish(x you're reallyy bipolar like STOPPP cx you can be very sweet and nice after school. You're super funny though, it's hilarious how Alis slapped you today and you made a big deal. When you twerk, it's the highlight of the night cx

I ain't bipolar /.- lol I just have those days xD and I'm always nice(x lol watch tomorrow I'm be nice and Alis provokes me to be mean >.<
Liked by: Joselyn

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Luis fucking Cordero. its so hard to describe you. you're a classic white boy. you're fucking crazy, but its funny. you're kind of a pervert, but its okay. you're a good friend but sometimes you are mean. like that time when you set me on fire then raped me. Lol, you're really fucking awesome tho!!!

Christian Walsh
Lmfao that never happened cx Psh you must have been dreaming /.- and I'm not a pervert >.< gosh Christian. Lol
Liked by: Christian Walsh

Make a quote

Her breathing gets lost.
She loses herself
In the depth of
Lies and rumors.
She's done.
And there was no one
There to comfort her
That's the girl you ignored.
"Maybe it's time to untie the strings and be free." ~Anon

Help me a bit. I like dis girl, but I have a gf. I'm scared to break up with my gf but dis girl makes meh feel so special... Wat should i do {:

Kik me /.- luisc.2
Liked by: Jocelyn_28

Thoughts on Alis?

Typical white girl alert(x she is becoming sooo aggressive and is always hurting me >.< she is just too white XD starbucks(: and I did this already so scroll down

Thoughts on Naomi?

You are a good listener cx you always listen to me!(x lol you've been through a lot and are stronger than ever(: I trust you with all my problems. I thank you for making me realize stuff. Thanks for the movie recommendation m(: I needed to see that in order to realize things XD lol soo sad but meaningful. You are kind and caring! You sleep late ._. Really late. Lol your selection of music is fabulous cx ahah I'm glad we got closer(: I'm here too if you ever need someone to talk to(:

thoughts on me Luis don't be a hater meanie lol

Laura XD despite all the mean things I called you.. You are a nice person(: I like that you care about me and ask how I'm doing(: cuz ppl these days never ask ._. I trust you with soo much but limited cuz ya have your problems of your own. Laura you are my cousin(x ahaha you are nice and needa calm down. Stop putting ppl on blast!! Remember to wear those glasses XD you can't see the other side XD ahahah BMS ;* lol today was fun ^.^ Laura hopefully we go to the same hs and become close.

Thoughts on Tamara?

Tammy ^.^ she is wonderful to be with. Always makes me laugh and go crazy(x she at times terrifies me!!! Never ever hit her back or else...... Lol cx I'm glad we gotten closer(: Tammy is fun to be with and when you are on her good side you WILL know cx and if you aren't oh boy you got trouble coming(x ahaha Tammy is sweat(: she helped me through some problems of mine (x never lied to me and has helped me overcome some things. She tells you things straight up. She has nothing to Hide.
Liked by: princess Wendy

Thoughts on Meleny?

Mel!! I love you(: lol as a friend XD ahaha you are always laughing ^.^ you are fun to be with. I don't like when you and Alexis are together cx cuz you two are crazies XD lol you are outgoing and fun to be with. You always lighten up my day and are there when I need someone(: love your house and the dogs(: lol you are pretty from the inside out. You've been through a lot and deserve a break from the drama soo I ain't gonna get you involved XD lol

Thoughts on Joselyn?

She is my cousin!! We are literary one month and day apart cx ahah I am glad to have a friend, and cousin her. She never judges people but advices them. I can never forget those crazy remedies on my face XD lol or the salt and ice challenge cx you are crazy(x sucks that we aren't in the same Homeroom but at least have the same classes. Will never forget that moment in camp where Brenda screamed XD ahahah Joselyn is a white girl like Alis but they are opposites. Lol Joselyn is herself and is very manipulating -.- even at times I believe her. Lol Starbucks ^.^ ahah Joselyn is Joselyn. Changes for no one. I trust her with soo much drama that it at times is directed at her. I dislike seeing Joselyn hurt. Will never forget what happened 2013. Never ever wanted that to happen, but she had to know the truth behind the lies.. Joselyn deserves soo much more than anyone can give her. She acts happy in the outside but in the inside I know that at times she is hurting and it hurts me too. Brenda and her are sisters >.< ahaha I can't forget also a day in where the three of us marked ourselves with a marker XD ahaha end of the year you will hear more thoughts.

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Thoughts on Alis?

Alis!! Well Alis and I gotten closer this year(: we share lots of secrets. I trust her with soo much. White girl Alert XD ahaha Starbucks ^.^ lol Alis is soo many wonderful things , nice, outgoing, and crazy, etc.! I hate seeing her hurt, because she doesn't deserve that no one does. I like that she is real and not fake like the anons. Alis is Alis. Lol no one can replace her or be her. We had crazy moments like when I was gonna twerk(x ahahah she plays along with what I say cx sometimes. She stays up late and is a movie girl cx she is always there for me and I'm there for her and anyone else. We never had any bad moments... Only when I act like a jerk and stuff. Alis is like a sister to me(x we always help each other out and yeah. And I know I don't have a ass but it ain't flat(x okay? Iol I have more to say but that's towards the end of the year(,:

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When your friends are in pain or hurting inside, are you hurting too? If so, why?

Yes I am. Why? Well it might be my fault. If I am not able to help them in a time they need help then I've failed in being a friend... I mean if the pain they are having doesn't involve me I wouldn't hurt, but I would try to help end their pain.

What's the worst feeling in the world?

That someone so close to you betrayed you. Chose and believes someone else and not you.
Also when you are trying so hard, but never get anything in return.
The list goes on but in the end the worst feeling is when you don't say what you want but are quiet and no one ever hears you...

You and Alexis make a cute couple loui ;)

Aww thanks and I know ^.^ I'm a bit nervous tho making a move(: oh well life is about taking risks maybe its time to take one for her (;
Liked by: Christian Walsh

Why are you hanging out with Manuel more?

Why are you asking me this? I am not "always" with Manuel!! Didn't you see last time I didn't even TALK to him!! We are friends. Friends talk and hang out! Why are you not mining your own business? I'm not changing for him or no one else. He isn't influencing me to do nothing: I act on my own and we will see what happens!!
Liked by: Manny Carcamo

Who do you trust more: Manuel or Kenny

I trust Manuel more. Kenny I trust to but I trust Manuel that he won't tell no one the things I tell him. Manuel and I are becoming better friends since last year. The year we "hated" each other to death
Liked by: Manny Carcamo

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

The nicest thing anyone has every told me was to cheer up. To not be sad of what people say but to be myself. That in the end of the day talk is cheap.... Thanks to my fellow advisor.. Cx


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