

Ask @lunxr_x

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What is the most boring job you can imagine?

I just wanna rant a little bit. So, literally all I ever see anymore is 11-15 year old Girls looking and dressing like they're in their 20s. When I was that fucking age all the girls still looked like they were in middle school and didn't know what makeup was hardly. Mascara is literally all we used, we didn't dress like we were going to the club everyday. Like what happened? All these girls look fucking older then me when they're like 6 years younger.
Liked by: jess weller Oscar.

What do you like watching the most on television?

When you fuckiing stub your toe walking out of your room because of your dog. That shit fucking hurts omfg.

Would you erase your most precious memories to become smarter?

Fuck that. I rather be so fucking stupid then live a life not remembering all the good and bad times in my life.

What is the last thing you do before bed?

I'm on my phone for like 2 hours listening to music, on snapchat and Instagram. Talking about Instagram I unfollowed all the ghosties now? They're unfollowing me back and their mad. OPS lol.

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

Annnndd. Got the job. AYE (;

Would you rather wear a snow suit in the desert or be naked in Antarctica?

I have a interview tomorrow. Pretty excited :)

Who do you admire the most right now?

I literally admire this girl so much. I look up to her. I don't know what I would do with out her. I don't think she realizes how much she means to me. I'm very pleased to call her my best friend, my other half. I could go on and on and on, about how much I love her but it would take a life time to do that. But yeah, she's my wcw.. Well actually everyday. ❤️

Hey this is random but you are so beautiful and you nearly perfect, you literally are a little angels I hope you realize that I want to be your Bffs so badly but I realize that I'm too ugly so I'll just leave stay beautiful!! Stay stunning ily!!

This made my day better, thank you. ☺️ and im sure you are not ugly ❤️❤️ and we shld be bffs!


Language: English